Chapter 13 - Sacrifice

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We all sit around in the library, Dean having his phone in his hands. It's on loud speaker, the ominous ringing filling the room. My leg bounces up and down nervously, my teeth chewing at my lip as I look towards the object.

"You have less than one minute before a very dear, attractive and slightly tipsy friend of yours snuffs it." Crowley's voice filters out over the speaking, causing me to tense up.

"Call it off, Crowley!" Dean yells, his hands hitting against the tabletop.

"Because..?" He probes, drawing out the process.

"Because it's over, you son of a bitch. We want a deal." Dean says, looking between Sam and I.

"Thirty seconds." He says and Dean growls at him, "We stop the trials, you stop killing."

"I want the demon tablet. The whole demon tablet." Crowley states and Dean nods, "Fine, but then the angel tablet comes to us."

"On what grounds?" He asks and Dean frowns, "On the grounds that you're a douchebag and no douchebag should have that much power. Deal or not?"

"First, I need to hear two little words, 'I surrender'." He says, getting a kick out of it all.

Dean looks towards me and Sam and I nod my head, reassuring him. He sighs and reluctantly says the two words, "I surrender."

"Pleasure doing business." Crowley states.

"Meet us at Bobby's tomorrow at noon." Dean states.

"See you then. Caio." He answers, before hanging up.

Dean takes a seat and I look over towards him and Sam, both of them looking at me. I nod my head and gain a little bit of confidence, "This'll work."


I feel a hand reach over and take mine, drawing my attention. Sam's fingers intertwine with mine as he lifts my hand to his lips, pressing a sweet kiss on the knuckles. I meet his eyes for a brief moment and I know how much he wants this, how much he needs this.

He turns back to the road and Dean pulls over, us reaching the place Kevin told us to go. We park behind another car and I look over, seeing a figure digging underneath a billboard beside the road. Dean, Sam and I climb out, making our way over towards where Kevin is digging. I look at the sign and roll my eyes, an advertisement for chilli. The mascot is a devil, who is pouring ingredients into the pot.

"You hid the demon tablet underneath the devil? Seriously?" Dean asks.

Kevin raises to his feet, a bag in his hand as he turns back and faces us, "What? I was delirious."

He reaches into the bag and pulls out one half of the demon tablet, retrieving the other half from his jacket pocket. He puts them together and they seal, becoming one once more. He turns to me and offers it, "You sure this going to work?"

"What choice do we have?" I say, taking the object off of him.

"All right listen, this is a secret lair you understand me?" Dean says, pointing a finger and speaking in a fatherly voice towards the young man, "Just lay low. Who knows, you'll be a mathlete again before you know it."

He nods his head and I give him an encouraging look before turning, beginning to make my way towards the car with Dean and Sam by my side.

"Hey guys?" Kevin calls out, the both of us turning to face him. He looks between us and nods his head, "You're doing the right thing."

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