Chapter 23 - King Of The Damned

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"This is the address?" I ask, frowning as we pull up out front of an old warehouse.

"Yeah." Sam says, as we three get out, making our way over to the door. Dean reaches his hand up t knock when the door opens, revealing a younger looking man who must be an angel, "If you'll follow me, the commander will see you now."

The angel turns and begins to walk away as Dean murmurs to us, "The commander?"

We follow after him down the hallway until we enter into a large room, filled with many more angels. They are all walking around, going about and doing different jobs. Phones are ringing, angels sitting at their desks as they type into computers. On one whole wall, there is a giant map of the United States that has lights lit up in various places.

Some of the angels eye us with curiosity and wariness as we are led up a small flight of stairs towards an office that is situated in the middle of the room. It has white open windows with a desk and table in it. The angel knocks on the door frame and calls out quietly, "Sir."

A figure turns around and I see Cas, a big smile spreading across his face as he takes us in. He steps forwards and gives Sam a hug, holding him tightly before pulling back and looking to me.

"Hey Cas." I whisper as he hugs me tightly, my arms wrapping around his neck.

He holds me for a moment before turning to Dean and hugging him. Cas turns towards the angel who watches the encounter and nods, "Um... Dismissed."

The angel nods and leaves without another word. I look over to our friend and Cas shrugs, "He can be a little stuffy."

I smirk at him, "So... Commander?"

"Yeah, not my idea." He states, "They had no leader, and they insisted on following me."

"Yeah, no we get it. You're a rockstar." Dean murmurs, which causes Cas to frown at him, "Bartholomew is dead. Malachi was murdered by Gadreel, and with Metatron as powerful as he is now, I needed to do something."

Sam steps over and looks between blinds in window of the office, "So this war between angels is really gonna happen, huh?"

"Not if I can find a diplomatic option for getting rid of Metatron." Cas argues, which makes Dean scoff, "Good luck with that."

"Dean, this angel on angel violence... It has to end. Someone has to say enough." Cas says, taking a step forward and meeting his eye.

I tilt my head to the side and fold my arms over my chest, "And that someone is you?"

"That brings me to why you're here." He says, looking between the three of us, "We have a prisoner. It's an angel from Metatron's inner circle. I need to know what they're planning. So far, he's revealed nothing."

"So you're done with the rough stuff, and you want us to be your goons?" Dean questions and Cas sighs, "Well, you've had success at these situations before. If you don't want to do it, I understand."

"Who says I don't want to do it?" Dean asks, which causes me to frown.

Ever since Dean has gotten the mark, he is more and more driven to find anything to kill and take on violently. It's slowly changing him, which keeps his brother up at night nowadays. We just hope we quickly take out Abbadon and Metatron, so we can rid him of the Mark of Cain.


Sam, Dean and I stand in the interrogation room with Metatron's soldier that was captured. He looks rather in impressive, like some guy you would find in IT. But I know how deceiving vessels can be with powerful angels inside.

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