Chapter 12 - Clip Show

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Sam sits at the table looking through some of the Men of Letters files on demon possessions. We're attempting to make sense of the last trial, to try and figure what it is and if we can do it. Dean walks back into the room, files in hand and Sam looks over to him, "Please tell me that's everything."

"Yeah." Dean says before chuckling and shaking his head, "No, not even close. See, the Men of Letters kept files on every demonic possession for the last 300 years. We got uh, Borden, Lizzie, all the way to Crane, Ichabod."

He hands them over to me, and I take them and add them to the pile. Sam let's out a grown and places his head in his hands. I look over at him in concern and Dean asks, "How're you feeling?"

"Honestly?" Sam asks, looking between Dean and I, "My whole body hurts. I feel nauseous and like I'm starving at the same time. And everything smells like rotting meat."

"I've had that hangover. Jäger, man. Pfft." Dean says, trying to lighten the mood.

"Maybe you should take a break, get some air." I suggest and he shakes his head, "The only thing that is going to make me feel better is finishing this."

"All right. Well I'll go get you some grub. Keep your strength up." Dean says and I nod my head. Dean turns and begins to make his way to the kitchen when Castiel stops at the entrance to the room from the library, "Morning."

Dean ignores him and heads to the kitchen. Castiel looks after him disappointedly before straightening up and stepping into the room and looking around, "I like this bunker. It's orderly."

"Well, give us a few months, Dean wants to get a Ping-Pong table." Sam mutters and I roll my eyes at the suggestion, it being such a Dean thing to want.

"Heard of that. It's a game right?" Castiel asks, before leaning forward against the back of the chair, letting out a groan of pain.

"You okay?" I ask, leaning forward in my seat.

"My wound isn't healing as quickly as I'd hoped." He murmurs, cradling his stomach. He pulls the chair out and takes a slow seat, wincing at the movement, "But I am getting better. And you're getting worse."

"Well, two trials down, one to go." Sam says, letting out a cough as he leans back in his chair.

"And the final test, you know what it is?" Castiel asks, curiousness in his eyes.

"I have to cure a demon." Sam states and the angel grows confused, "Of what?"

"That's what we're trying to figure out." I murmur, gesturing around to the folders on the table.

"Soups on." Dean announces, coming back into the room. I look over and see him carrying a tray towards Sam, placing it down on the table, "Here we go."

I look down at the tray, taking in it's mediocre contents. I raise an eyebrow and look to him as Sam looks at his meal, "A half drunk beer and um, jerky and three peanut butter cups?"

"Yeah, we're running a little low..." He murmurs and I give him a look. He nods his head, "I'll make a run."

Turning, he reaches over and grabs his jacket from the back of the chair as Castiel rises to his feet, looking towards him, "Dean, I can go with you."

Dean continues to ignore him, causing a frown to form on my face. Castiel's face falls at the rejection, "Dean. I'm sorry."

"For what?" Dean asks, finally looking at him as he slips his coat onto his broad shoulders.

"For everything." He states and Dean frowns at him, "Everything? Like, uh...? Ignoring us?"

"Yes." He admits, looking guilty.

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