Chapter 2 - Suprise Returns

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One Year Later

Stirring awake, I feel lips pressing kisses softly on my bare shoulder blade. A strong hand squeezes my hip and I let out a moan, stretching back into the hard naked body behind me. I turn lazily and am met with the beautiful, hazel green eyes that I am so madly in love with.

"Good morning." He murmurs, his hand sliding down my body and cupping my ass.

"Good morning to you too, handsome." I say, lifting a leg up and wrapping it around his waist.

"You look so beautiful." He says, turning us over so that I'm on top of him. My naked body is pressed firmly against his, which is one of my favourite places in the world. Naked, in our bed with Sam between my thighs. Who could ask for anything more?

"You look good yourself." I say, running my fingers through his long hair.

His hair has grown considerably during our time together, neither one of us wanting to get it cut. It makes running my fingers through his hair that much easier.

"What do you want for breakfast?" He asks between kisses and I grind against him, "I have some ideas."

"I was thinking the same thing." He states, a suggestive smirk on his lips. He suddenly flips me over and I let out a laugh, losing myself in him for the millionth time.


The pan sizzles and I cook ourselves a yummy, greasy breakfast. The bacon and sausages are cooking under the grill, the eggs, tomatoes and mushrooms in the pan, the smell of fresh bread wafts from the toaster and my mouth waters at the thought of eating it all.

This is a weekend special for us, something that Sam only eats on these days. Otherwise he's having his health smoothies and fruit bowls. It never fails to baffle me how he doesn't pig out of junk food like me, but that's what I love about him. He sticks to what he believes in.

This past year has been a crazy learning experience for us. We've travelled to every state and even spent some time up in Canada. We've had numerous jobs and gambled and drank and laughed and had sex in all the craziest places. It's been an incredible year and as of the last three months, we finally settled down and began a somewhat stable life.

Sam helped heal me and I helped heal him, each of us becoming better and stronger people in our relationship. It didn't take us long to finally get together, only a month into knowing each other. I've never felt like I have with him, This being a completely new experience for me. And even though the night we met was one of the worst in my life, I wouldn't change a thing. Because I met him.

"Smells good, babe." Sam says, coming and wrapping his arms around my waist.

I smile as I lean back into him, still in a blissful state from our euphoric morning. It took us a long time to get to this state, for me to finally open up to him in that way. And he understood why and didn't even think about pressuring me, leaving it all up to me to decide. It wasn't until about seven months into our relationship, eight months of knowing each other all up that I finally allowed myself to be that vulnerable with him. And it was the most special, most romantic night of our lives.

"I'm gonna have to eat quick because I have to be at the lunch shift today." I state, turning to look him in the eye.

"I wish you had said no to working today, then we could have had a day off together." He grumbles against my neck.

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