Chapter 18 - Holy Terror

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My heart pounds in my chest as I snatch up my keys from the nightstand, making my way down the hallway. I walk through the entrance to the war room and jog up the stairs to the front door when I hear a voice call out, "Where are you off to?"

I stop in my tracks and turn my head, seeing Kevin looking at me curiously. He is sitting at the library table closest to the stairs, the angel tablet and his notes in front of him. He and I are the only ones here. Sam and Dean have gone off to investigate another round of angel attacks. I wasn't feeling so good, so I decided to stay behind and try my best to rest up. Sam was worried about me, but I told him to stop being silly.

I turn on the stairs and lean against the railing, "Grocery run."

"I thought you weren't feeling well?" He questions and I nod my head, "I'm not. I'm going to the store and grabbing some medicine. Do you want anything?"

"Can you pick me up some snacks?" He asks and I raise an eyebrow, "Kevin, when was the last time you had a real meal?"

He frowns for a moment, trying to think and I sigh, "You know what? I'll cook us something for dinner. How about a roast chicken?"

"I haven't had a roast dinner since forever." He says, his voice dreamy and I chuckle, "Okay. I'll grab everything and tonight you get the night away from the tablet."

He gives me a look and begins to protest, "I can't just take a night off-"

"Yes, you can Kevin." I state, folding my arms over my chest, "And you will. All of this research, the sleepless nights, it's gonna kill you Kevin. And I'm not gonna let that happen. Not if I can help it."

He looks as if he is going to argue, so I harden my stare and he eventually falters. He falls back into the chair and rubs at his eyes, "Okay, fine. You win."

I smile and begin to make my way up the stairs, "I'll be back soon."

I make my way out of the bunker and into the underground car park where my car spends most of it's days. I get in and turn on the engine before driving out and making my way into town. My happy little encounter with Kevin is once again eclipsed by the anxiety before it. Turning in the ignition, I race to town to get my answers.


My teeth nibble on my lower lip as I look at Sam, trying to figure out the best way to talk to him. They got back this morning, informing me of what happened. Apparently Cas was waiting for them at the crime scene, impersonating a federal agent. He claimed he wanted to help, but Sam told me he left all of a sudden without a word.

Dean comes back into the room and I look to him, "Any word from Cas?"

"Nothing yet." He says, shaking his head.

"And we're not worried about him that he just took off again? I mean, it's not like he does this kind of stuff alone." Sam states and Dean shrugs as he takes a seat across the the table, "It's the way he wanted it, honestly. Look, he's been all over the map since he got his wings clipped. What you got?"

Sam turns his laptop for both of us to see and Dean nods at the guy in the picture, "Obituaries. That one of the bikers?"

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