Chapter 22 - Meta Fiction

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My fingertips press into my temple, trying to run away the mounting headache. Things couldn't be more stressful at the moment in regards to both the angels and the demons, both the worlds at war within themselves.

On our last cases, we found out that back in 1958, Abaddon was stealing the souls of people back in the 1960's when Henry was in the Men of Letters. This was happening again, people going around committing crimes due to the loss off their souls, Milton Illinois. After figuring it out and tracking them down, Sam killed the demon collecting them for the knight of hell.

We are in currently in the war room, Sam on the phone, "Yeah, all right. Thanks Carlos. Listen, you, uh, if you catch wind of any other demon activity, give me a holler, all right? Appreciate it."

Footsteps approach from one of the branching hallways and I look over, seeing Dean walk in. I sigh and run at my temples again, "Hey."

"Anything?" Dean asks as Sam hangs up, "Yeah, uh, a dozen demon related cases, people without souls acting out, but..."

"But no sign of Abaddon." Dean states, finishing his thought and I sigh, "Right. It's like she's vanished.

Dean folds his arms over his chest, "Well, we just gotta keep digging."

"Right." Sam agrees.

I open my eyes and glance up, seeing Dean rub at his arm with the mark. I tilt my head to the side and furrow my eyebrows as I look at him, "You okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine." He says quickly, pulling his sleeve down over the mark, "Let's get to work."

"All right." Sam says, eyeing his brother warily.

I look up and glance at the time on my phone before sighing and sitting up, "But first, doctor's appointment."

Sam glances at the watch at his wrist, "Geez, is it that time already?"

I nod as I rise to my feet, "Yep, and we are running late. So let's get moving, Winchester."

He close his laptop and rises to his feet as Dean turns to me, "Good luck."

I chuckle as I pull on my coat and fling my hair out of the jacket, "Thanks. But you should save it for when the baby actually gets here. I'm gonna need it if it's a Winchester."

"Ha ha." Sam says sarcastically and I give him a cheeky grin. He places a kiss on my cheek and I smile as he turns to his brother, "We'll be back in just over an hour."

"See you then." Dean murmurs, taking a seat at the war table and grabbing Sam's laptop.

Sam places his hand on the small of my back as we make our way out to the garage. This is a big ultra sound, the one where we find out the sex of the baby, the fifteen week mark. I now have a pronounced little bump, obvious in the clothing I wear. This is also the first time Sam is getting to see the baby, him being busy the other times I went to the doctors.

He's so excited, him talking about it non stop. Things between us have been good, well minus the fact that he hovers over me sometimes. But he's a first time Dad, so it makes a lot of sense.

We reach baby and he opens the door for me and I smile at him, climbing into the impala. He closes my door and jogs around to the other side, getting into the car. He starts it up and we make our way out of the bunker and into Lebanon, Kansas. After a short drive, Sam slides the impala into a parking spot right beside the door.

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