Chapter 19 - Road Trip

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The flickering of the yellow and orange flames barely registers in my eyes. All I can focus on is the cloth wrapped body that slowly turns to ash. My whole body is numb as I watch him burn, the most innocent boy I've ever met. I didn't know Kevin for long, but I felt that we really connected in a months of knowing each other. And now he's dead.

I feel Dean standing beside me and I resist the urge shout at him. I mean, I've already exhausted that outlet already. He's the one that got Kevin killed and got Sam possessed, it's all his fault.

"What the hell did you do?"

"I didn't know... I didn't think-" Dean begins, his eyes locked on Kevin.

"What did you do?!" I demand, screaming at him.

He finally looks at me, guilt, anger and grief clouding his eyes. Normally I would want to comfort him, but that doesn't even cross my mind in this moment.

"Ezekiel couldn't heal Sam. He was too weak." He states.

I think for a moment before it clicks, Ezekiel is the angel from the hospital that wanted to heal Sam. I furrow my eyebrow as he continues to explain, "He said that the only way he could was to possess him. That being in Sam would heal him and that he in turn could heal Sam."

"You let him possess Sam?" I ask through gritted teeth.

Dean avoids my eyes as he continues to explain, "I thought he was trying to heal him, that he was trying to make him better. But he lied to me, he's not Ezekiel. I don't know who he is. And now..."

I feel my whole body begin to shake with fury. I narrow my eyes and hiss, "You let an angel posses your brother without his permission? You let an intruder in his body that has now taken him God knows where for God knows what?"

"I didn't have a choice." He states and I yell at him, "There is always a choice, you selfish son of a bitch!"

My hand shoots and slaps him right across the face, his head swinging to the side. Tears fall down my face as he grits his jaw and turns back to look at me, his eyes glistening with tears.

I look down at Kevin and hiccup, "This is all your fault, Dean. You killed Kevin. You let this angel get Sam possessed and take him away from me. What if he doesn't come back?"

"We'll get him back." He says with certainty and I shake my head, "You can't promise me that. You can't promise me that my baby will grow up with it's father."

"What?" Dean whispers, his mouth falling open and his eyes widening, "You're pregnant?"

I reach up and wipe at my eyes to rid myself of the tears, "I found out the day before you got back from the angel attack."

"Does Sam know?" He asks after a long pause and I glower at him, "No. And now he may never know, thanks to you."

My arms are folded tightly over my chest, my hands balled into fists. I haven't spoken a word to him since that conversation, knowing that I will say something that I can't easily make back. I've been trying to figure out my next move, how best to track down Sam and to save him. But I'm going to need help, which means I will have to work with the person I least want to see right now. But for Sam, I can put aside my anger. I have to.

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