Chapter 20 - First Born

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Castiel parks his car in the bunker garage, sliding it into Baby's rightful place. It feels very strange to not have her here, even stranger to have Dean missing. Barely a word has been spoken on our journey, all of us lost in our own thoughts.

We climb out of the car and make our way to the bunker. Sam is quiet and he very quickly veers off towards our room. I stare after him for a moment and a warm body comes to a stop beside me, "He'll be okay."

"I know." I say, folding my arms over my chest and giving a nod, "He just needs some time."

Cas is quiet for a moment before he faces me, "When are you going to tell him about the baby?"

I close my eyes and run my fingers through my hair, "I don't know, Cas. I mean, look how much he has on his shoulders already. This is just going to be something else he has to stress over."

"I know it's not my place to say anything, but I think you should tell him." Cas states.

I watch him as he glances towards the hallway Sam has just let through, "He has had enough people lying to him, and I don't think he can deal with much more. This is big, Avery. Life changing for both you and Sam. Telling him is probably the best thing you can do right now."

I look at the angel and a swell of fear bubbles up inside of me, "But what if he doesn't want the baby?"

Cas' eyes fall as he tilts his head to the side, "Avery, he asked you to marry him. I think at the moment, you are the only person he is certain about at this time. And I think this baby, will be really good for Sam."

"You think?" I ask and he nods his head, "I do."

"Thank you, Cas." I whisper, stepping forward and wrapping my arms around him. He hesitates for a moment before hugging me back.

This experience, it's really bonded us together as friends. I mean, I always liked Cas and felt close to him. But I didn't have the history that the guys had with him, which means we weren't as close. But going through what we have gone through, I can really rely on him as a true friend.

I pull away after a moment collect myself before turning and heading off down the hallway. Coming to a stop outside of our door, I take in a breath for strength before stepping inside.

Sam has laid down on the bed with his arm covering his eyes. He looks exhausted and I begin to doubt myself. But I remember Cas' words and I walk over, my hands in my pockets, "Do you want me to get you anything?"

He shakes his head and I walk over, taking a seat down beside him, "Babe, you have to eat."

"Not right now, Avery." He murmurs.

I remain quiet and he lifts his arms, looking at me, "I'm sorry."

I shake my head, "It's okay."

"I'm just..." He begins, turning angry, "I just don't have the words."

"I know." I say, moving closer to him, "After Kevin..."

My mind flashes with his body laying in the library floor a s grief washes over me.  It I gather myself and continue, "I was so mad at Dean. I didn't know. I was in the hospital with you and was beginning to prepare myself for letting you go, when all these angels came. An angel came and said he could heal you, I didn't trust him. But that's all I had going for me. Then a fight ensued and I was hurt, and I wasn't there to know that Dean made a deal with the angel. He just told me that he healed you, not the truth."

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