Chapter 24 - Stairway To Heaven

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Dreams of walking in nature hand in hand with Sam fill my head, keeping me in a restful sleep. When all of a sudden, rock and roll music bursts through the air. My eyes whip open and I reach under my pillow, whipping out my gun and aim it forward.

I blink a few times and take in Dean, who stands at the end of our bed with his phone in his hand that blares the music, "Nice reflexes."

He turns the music off and looks to the man in the bed by side, "Better hair."

I turn and take in Sam's disheveled hair as he rubs at his eyes, "What's wrong with you? We could have shot you."

I let out a yawn and glance at the clock on the beside table, "Why aren't you sleeping? We got in like two hours ago."

"Not tired." He says simply before turning and leaning down, "And we got work to do, so put on your dancing shoes, and let's boogie."

He straightens up and tosses Sam's shoes at him before he leaves the room. I sigh and fall back on the bed, covering my eyes with my arm. Sam groans and leans down, resting his head on my chest with his hand resting on my stomach.

"I'm going to kill him." Sam grunts and I let out a yawn, "Get in line."

We both start to get up and get dressed before making our way to the kitchen. I flick on the kettle as Sam grabs out cups for our coffee and tea. Soon enough the soothing, hot beverage is in my hand and I'm drinking it to wake me up as we go out to the library. As we walk in, I see Dean packing up his duffel bag.

"All right. What's up?" Sam asks, taking a seat on the table.

"So I called Cas. He said there's something going down in Missouri." He explains as I lean against the table beside Sam, "What kind of something?"

"He said he couldn't talk about it over the phone." He states and Sam raises an eyebrow, "Why?"

"Because he is a weird guy, okay?" He mutters, leaning his head back, "He's a weird, dorky, little guy. But he happens to have an army of angels behind him, and, even though I hate to say it, if we're gonna take a shot at Metatron, they might be useful."

Dean reaches down and begins to wrap up the first blade. I frown at the weapon and Sam feels the same, "Do you think we need the first blade? Why don't we just leave that here?"

"We talked about this, and we decided that-" Dean begins, but Sam cuts him off, "No. in all fairness, we didn't decide. You did."

"Okay, I decided. That a hockey stick that can kill anything might come in handy. So sue me." Dean states, getting defensive.

Sam straightens up, looking his brother right in the eye, "How many times have we been around this block? Magic that powerful comes at a price, and right now, we don't know what that price is."

"I'm fine. I'm fan-friggin-tastic." Dean states and Sam tightens his jaw, "And I'm glad, honestly. I'm not saying we bury the thing. I'm saying we just save it for when we really need it. Crowley. Metatron. The big boss fights. You don't have to have it with you all the time, right? I mean just leave it. Please."

Dean looks at the blade for a long moment before he reluctantly puts it down, "No problem."

"Thank you." Sam breathes.

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