Chapter 10 - Pac Man Fever

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My eyes skim the pages of the book in my hands, me lying in bed next to Sam. He's been asleep since his head hit the pillow yesterday morning. I glance at him, taking in his peaceful state with a worried heart. This last trial hit him badly and both Dean and I are extremely worried about him.

He begins to stir from next to me and I sit up, closing my book. He stretches and reaches up to rub his eyes, letting out a groan. His eyes drift open lazily and take me in, "Hey."

"You're awake." I say, turning on my side.

"What time did I lay down?" He asks, letting out a yawn.

"Noon, yesterday." I state, a concerned frown on my face.

"Woah." He murmurs and I tilt my head to the side, "How're you feeling?"

"I'm fine." He states and I give him a look, not believing him one bit. I reach my hand up and he takes it in, frowning at me, "What're you doing?"

"Humour me." I mutter.

I lay my hand on his head and close my eyes, focusing my energy on him. I feel it flow through me, willing for it to work. But Castiel's words come to my head, knowing that even he as an angel can't heal him. So I know there's a very slim chance as an Ackureye that I can.

I open my eyes and look at him hopefully, "Any better?"

"Yeah." He says, though I know he's lying to make me feel better.

I sigh and he sits up, rubbing at his face, "Where's Dean?"

"I don't know." I say, putting my book onto the beside table, "Did you wanna go and get something to eat?"

"I'm not really hungry." He states and I give him a look. He takes it in before chuckling, "Fine."

I get up and he swings his legs over the edge of the bed, rising to his feet. He sways on them and falls back into the bed and I rush to him, "Sam?"

"I'm fine. Just a little dizzy." He says, reassuring me.

I frown at him and shake my head, "Maybe you should just stay in bed, I can bring you back something."

"No, I wanna get out of this room." He says, pushing himself to his feet, but I hold my hand out to stop him, "Sam-"

"I'm fine, Avery." He says, looking me in the eyes.

I look at him unconvinced, but I help him to his feet. He keeps ahold of my hand as we make our way out into the hallway. As we walk, we hear the sound of the bunker door opening, meaning Dean must be back. We go towards the library and turn the corner, seeing Dean sitting at a laptop, a fresh six pack beside him.

He turns and takes in Sam's bed hair and exhausted expression. He frowns before gesturing to his head, "Man I'm telling you. Give me five minutes and some clippers."

Sam runs his fingers through his hair as he mutters to his brother, "Ah shut up."

Dean grabs a beer from the fresh box and tosses it towards him, the bottle flying past us and crashing on the ground. Beer stains the ground and I sigh, knowing I'm gonna have to clean that up.

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