Chapter 25 - Do You Believe In Miracles?

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Sam stands in front of Dean, holding up his hand, "Drop the blade Dean."

"Move." Dean growls, his eyes locked on Gadreel.

"Dean, look at me." Sam pleads as I kneel down beside Gadreel, placing my hands over his wound in an attempt to stop the bleeding.

"Sam, move!" Dean yells as Cas grabs him from behind. Sam tries to wrestle the blade out of his hand, "Let it go!"

After a few shoves, he gets it out and hands the blade to me. The other two grip him by the arms and lead him away, leaving Gadreel and I alone. I turn to the bleeding angel and take in the grunt of pain emitting from his lips.

"Just give me a second." I murmur, kneeling down again beside him and placing the first blade on the ground.

He grunt and groans as I reach over him and close my eyes, focusing all of my energy onto the healing him. I feel it begin to gather and flow through my palm into the angel. I know that when I tried to heal Cas, it didn't work but I can't just let Gadreel die. Not when he can help us. Otherwise I would.

I open my eyes and see that it has helped him slightly, the blood not flowing as profusely. Gadreel looks at me in confusion, but I feel very weak. I sway slightly and close my eyes, not realising how much it took out of me to attempt to heal him. I don't have control over myself, so I just let it take me.


"Dean, pick up the phone. Call me back." Sam hisses down the line, "I'm not kidding, all right? Don't do this. Not like this."

I woke up to find that Dean had escaped with Crowley after Dean summoned him from the devil trap room. Castiel went out and found Gadreel, heals him and bringing him back to the bunker.

Sam hangs up the phone and Cas looks to him, "Are you sure it was Crowley?"

"Who else would he summon? I mean he and Crowley have been bromancing over the blade ever since Dean got the mark." Sam mutters through clenched teeth.

"The mark?" Gadreel questions and the other angel turns to him, "The Mark of Cain."

"So that's what Dean cut me with? The first blade..." He trails off, "In a way, that could be useful."

"What?" Sam asks and Gadreel explains, "Well, Metatron's more powerful than ever but if Dean has the First Blade and the Mark, that might give us our best chance."

"You're joking, right?" I scoff, glaring at the angel and Sam adds on, "An hour ago, we were ready to throw Dean into a padded cell and now you're saying he's our best chance?"

"Hear him out guys." Cas instructs, looking between the two of us.

"Oh right. Excuse me. Sorry, guys. Sorry I'm a little less than eager to hear that our best chance is arming the warhead and hoping it hits the mark." Sam says, speaking angrily, "This is not a bomb we're talking about. This is my brother."

"And your brother would not be in this alone. We can help." Gadreel states.

"How?" I ask, my tone frosty.

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