Chapter 7 - Trial and Error

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Sam and I make our way out of our room, going towards the kitchen to get some food. On our way, we spot Dean in his room, putting the final touches to his decor. We've been here for around six weeks now, all of us finally settling into the place. I can make my way around easily, finding it hard to get lost now.

Sam and I come to a stop outside of Dean's room and look around, slightly awed by what we see. Up on the wall, there a dozen or so guns mounted to the walls in our room, which is actually quite cool to look at. Other weapons line up on shelves, easily accessible I assume.

There is a record player set up on the desk to the side, a series of records placed beside it that I can only assume are classic rock. It's looks really homey, very much Dean's taste. He looks happy as he places a picture against the lamp on the desk.

"Wow." Sam murmurs from beside me, drawing Dean's attention. I look other room and nod in appreciation, "Not bad."

"Not bad?" Dean says, "I haven't had my own proper room, ever. I'm making this awesome, I got my kick ass vinyl... I've got this killer mattress."

He turns and gestures to it before he sits down on its edge, patting it, "Memory foam. It remembers me."

I chuckle and shake my head, realising how high maintenance Dean can be sometimes. On the outside he looks like you're averaging of the mill male, but underneath, he delights in expensive mattresses and shower pressure. It makes me laugh and appreciate him more.

Sam looks around as he pulls out a piece of gum, slipping it into his mouth as Dean gets to his feet, "And it's clean too. There's no funky smell, there's no creepy motel stains."

Sam nods as he screws up the paper packaging and tosses it towards the trash can, it bouncing off the edge and landing just beside it.

"Really?" Dean mutters, giving his brother a look.

"Sorry." He says quickly before walking over and placing it in the trash.

Dean shakes his head and makes his way past us, "I'm gonna go fix us some grub."

I turn and make my way after him, going towards the library. I've claimed my own spot over in the corner, where stacks of books and a journal is. I decided I needed to keep notes, something to refer to if I ever need any help.

I sit down and begin to read once again, Sam coming in and taking his spot opposite of me. I begin writing when he taps my foot with his. I glance up and see him, pretending to focus on his laptop. I roll my eyes and begin writing when he does it again.

I look up and see him ginning at me goofily. I smirk and shake my head, "You're such a dork."

"Yeah, but you love it." He teases and I blush a little, "I do."

I reach my legs up and place them on his lap, turning back to my books. He reaches down and rubs at my leg as he goes back to his own laptop.

Not too long later, the smell of food reaches us. I look up and see Dean walking in with three plates on his arm. I smile at him as he comes over, offering me a plate.

"Thank you." I say, taking the plate off of him as I eye it hungrily.

He gives me a wink and turns, making his way towards Sam to give him his lunch. He takes in the books in front of his brother and crooks his eyebrow, "What're you reading?"

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