Chapter 4 - As Time Goes By

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A weird sensation comes over me as I sit on one of the twin beds in the motel room, a position I'm not really comfortable with yet. After a long, arduous debate about me going with them, I finally convinced them to let me go on the road with them. Dean was flat out against it and Sam was worried about my safety. But I reminded him that even when he's not around, I can be in danger.

So I quit my job and got out of the lease, nothing really holding me to that place. It was only Sam, and without him, there's nothing I really wanted. Things are a little awkward, especially seeing as I have no idea what I'm going to be doing while they hunt. But I'm sure I'll find something.

Dean sits on the chair opposite of the bed, looking towards his brother who washes his hands at the basin in the bathroom, there's a bit of tension between the two of them due to my presence. All of a sudden, a noise comes from the opposite side of the room. We all turn to see someone fall out of the closet. He is dressed in a blue suit and is young.

Sam and Dean straighten up as they take him in, the man getting to his knees. He turns and takes our trio in, his eyes focusing on the brothers, "Which of you is John Winchester?"

The name perks my ears up, knowing that that is the name of their father. But Sam told me he died years ago. The brothers exchange a look before Dean rises to his feet, Sam coming to me and putting him between myself and the man, who looks at us desperately, "Please. Time is of the essence. Which of you is John Winchester?"

"Uh, neither." Sam says, holding his hands out towards the man.

The man looks between us confused, giving a shake of his head, "That's impossible. That's absolutely... What did I do wrong?"

Dean takes a step forward, his voice hard, "Who the hell are you, mister?"

"Not now, I'm thinking." He dismisses, looking lost in thought.

Sam and Dean walk forward, the latter gripping him by the suit and pushing him up against the wall. The man gasps as the brothers glare at him. He looks between them, "Please, I can assure you, there's no need for violence. One of you must be John Winchester."

"I'll tell you what," Sam says, cutting him off, "When one of us falls out of your closet, then you can ask the questions."

"Yes. My apologies." He says politely, before looking down at Dean's fists of clothing, "Is it absolutely essential, sir, that you keep your hands on me?"

Dean let's go roughly before stepping back, his face set in a scowl. I eye the man as he thanks him, keeping my distance. My arms are wrapped around myself, my eyes on the man. Something about him seems so familiar for some reason, but I'm not sure why.

He wipes at his nose with a handkerchief before tucking it away and straightens his jacket, "Gentlemen, madam, in the absence of any and all other explanations, I'm afraid this has been a marvellous, tragic misunderstanding. I'll be on my way."

He begins to leave and they step in his way, Sam speaking, "That's not happening."

"There are things of grave importance. I do not have time to deal with the likes of you." He says as Dean reaches over and grabs the handcuffs from his duffel.

The brothers grasp at him, beginning to cuff him as Dean gets in his face, "You're not going anywhere, 007, till we get some answers."

They beginning to struggle and I step back, knowing I'll be of no help in the situation. It's better if I keep out of the way. Soon the man steps back, leaving Sam and Dean handcuffed to the chair together. I stare on amazed as he begins to walk out.

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