Chapter 9 - Taxi Driver

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I pull my coat tighter around me as the brisk sea air slaps against my skin, a bit of a bite to it. We are at the houseboat after receiving a desperate pho deal from Kevin over the phone. Dean leads the pack, banging at the door of the boat.

"Kevin? Open up!" Dean calls out, continuing to hit against the door, "Kevin!"

The door opens up, Kevin standing there with a frypan ready to use as a weapon. There is a disturbed by the manic look in his eye, like he could snap at a moments notice. He looks worse for wear, stubble lining his chin and dark circles under his eyes with clothes that look like they haven't been washed in years. I scrunch my nose up at the smell.

"Whoa, whoa, geez. What's going on? What's with the SOS?" Dean asks, stepping into the houseboat as Kevin moves aside to let us in.

Sam and I follow after him as Kevin speaks, sounding distressed, "It's him."

"It's who?" Sam asks as we walk into the main room of the boat.

"Crowley." Kevin states after locking the door.

I raise my eyebrow as I look at the young boy, "What about him?"

"He's in my head." He says, his eyes wild as he gestures towards his face.

"He's in your head." Sam repeats, giving him an unbelieving look and Kevin hisses towards him, "Do you know what that means?"

"It means we need to up your anxiety meds." Dean quips before sighing, "Kevin, you're dreaming. Look, if Crowley knew where you were, he'd do a hell of a lot more than mess with your head."

"Hey, where's Garth?" Sam asks, looking around for the man I've heard so much about but have never had the chance to meet.

"On a case. Or the dentist." He guesses with a shrug, "I don't know, I haven't heard from him."

"Okay, well what couldn't you say on the phone?" I ask, looking him in the eye.

"Would you put the frypan down please?" Dean asks, gesturing to the weapon that he clutches tightly in his fist. Kevin reaches over and places it on a bench before looking towards me, "I translated the second trial from the tablet."

A sense of nervousness comes over me as he walks past us towards his table and a smile comes over Dean's face, "You crazy prophet, you. Nice work."

He turns around with narrowed eyes on us, "And if Crowley's in my head, he knows."

I step forward and look at him kindly, "He's not in your head Kevin. It's okay."

Sam nods in agreement from beside me, "You're just stressed. Just stay with us, all right? What's the second trial?"

"An innocent soul has to be rescued from hell and delivered unto heaven." He states and I grow a mixture of confused and overwhelmed at the thought of what danger this could bring my boyfriend.

"What?" Dean asks and Kevin turns to him, "Unto. That's how God talks."

I shake my head as Sam steps forward, sounding just as shocked and confused as myself, "Rescue a soul from hell? Like, actually go to hell. How do you even get a soul unto heaven? How do you even get a soul out of hell?"

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