Chapter 5 - Everybody Loves Hitler

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Sitting in my designated spot in the back of the impala, Dean pulls us up out front of what looks like an old factory entrance. We are on the outskirts of Lebanon, Kansas before us a large rundown building that looks like it hasn't been used in years.

I open up my door and step out, the guys doing the same when Dean speaks, "When was the last time someone was in this place?"

"Sixty five, seventy years ago?" Sam guesses.

I notice Dean reaching into his pocket and pull out an object, the box that cost Henry his life. He slides open the box and soon reveals a key that has the Men of Letters symbol on it. We follow after him and he opens up the door, a musty smell reaching my nose.

We turn on our flashlights and shut the door behind us, making our way through the the other door at the end of the short hallway. Dean opens it up, and we step through to see a huge space inside. We are up on a balcony, one that has hallways leading off to other places of the underground bunker.

I shine my light down below and take in the table with what looks like a map on top, it resembling a war room from World War Two. The smell of dust is in the air, the place probably not being aired out for decades.

Dean's voice carries out through the space, "Son of a bitch."

"Look at this." Sam says, drawing our attention.

The both of us make our way over to him where he shines his flashlight in the corner of the room down below. There are a few machines, ones that look very old and out dated.
Sam murmurs, "Ham radio, telegraph, switchboard. This was their nerve centre."

"Henry did say that they ran dispatch on their own team of hunters." Dean states.

He turns and goes towards the stairs and I follow after him, Sam right behind me. We stop by a small nook by the stairs, where there is a table with two arm chairs. On the table is what looks like a mid game of chess, an ashtray full of used cigarettes and half drunk cup of coffee.

"Oh halfway through their coffee and a game of chess. It looks like whoever was manning the hub left quick." I state.

Sam walks down the steps, "On the alarm call that ended the men of letters."

Suddenly lights switched on, illuminating the place. I turn and see Dean at the fuse box, pulling up some levers. I smile at him before making my way down the stairs, another switch being flicked on. The machines around us turn on, more lights following. I look around marvelled, this being one of the coolest things I've ever seen.

"Son of a bitch." Sam whispers in awe.

I follow his gaze as I hear Dean make his way down the stairs, coming to our side. At the end of the war room is a couple of steps leading up into what seems like a library. Every wall is covered in books, with mahogany tables and chair in the middle for study.

"Sammy, I think we found the bat cave." Dean murmurs.


I'm walking down one of the hallways, just looking around and exploring. This place is so huge, I could easily get lost. I keep an eye out for landmarks, stuff that can help me make my way back if I do get lost. I turn around the corner, a long hallway of rooms before me.

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