Chapter 16 - Facing My Demon

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Music softly filters in through the stereo in Sam and I's room as I finish getting ready. I'm incredibly excited because it's our two year anniversary and he's taking me out to a nice restaurant half an hour away. This is the first time in a long time Sam and I have done anything romantic, we've been too busy caught up in the world of supernatural. I feel like our romance has been lacking quite a lot, which I really miss.

I'm putting the last of my make up on before walking over to the dress laid out on the bed. I woke up this morning to find Sam gone, instead a white box with a note on it was beside me. It said, Wear this tonight, we leave at six x.

I haven't seen him or Dean all day. Kevin has been floating around, but he said he had no idea where they were. He's been focusing on the angel tablet, hoping to find something soon.

I remove my robe and let it fall to the ground as I reach for the dress. It's silky and smooth, and I love it. The dress is short and backless, a single piece of black material going down my spine. I look at the time and see that it is almost six. I struggle to finish doing it up and sigh, knowing I'm going to have to ask someone else to do it.

I slip into the heels that came with the dress, that give me a solid few extra inches of height now. I grab the clutch and switch the music off, making my way out to find everyone. I hear voices coming from the war room as I climb the steps and I call out, reaching behind me neck, "Can someone button me up?"

I round the corner and three pairs of eyes are on me. Kevin stands there with a bag of chips in his hands, about to put one in his mouth. But he is frozen, his eyes locked on me. Dean looks just as flabbergasted as Kevin does, his eyes widen as they look me over. But my eyes are frozen on Sam, who is dressed in a black tuxedo. I've never seen him so dressed up and I got to say, it does something to me.

Dean let's out a whistle and shakes his head and I chuckle, rolling my eyes, "What? You guys never seen a girl dolled up before?"

"I'm sorry. I'm just used to the baggy jumpers and flannelettes." Dean murmurs, "You clean up good."

"Thank you." I say as I walk towards Sam, "Do me up?"

He looks a little nervous as I turn around, moving my hair out of the way. His fingers reach up and brush against my bare back, causes goosebumps to form over my skin. He does the button up and traces his fingers down my arms as he whispers in my ear, "You look beautiful."

I blush at his comment and turn my head so my eyes meet his, "You're not so bad yourself, handsome."

He smiles and places a kiss on my lips, and I melt into it. I hear someone clear their throat, followed by Dean speaking, "Ease up you two, there are young eyes present."

Sam and I pull apart and Kevin frowns at him, "Hey."

Dean chuckles and turns to Sam, "You better get going. You don't want to be late."

Sam places his hand on my lower back and nods his head, "Okay. Keys?"

Dean pulls the keys out to the impala and my eyes widen, "You're gonna let Sam take baby?"

Dean looks at the keys before meeting my eyes, "Yeah, it's a special night."

I raise and eyebrow and Dean turns to Sam as he hands him the keys, "Be careful with her."

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