Chapter 21 - Blade Runners

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One Month Later

I run my fingers through my hair, which feels greasy and disgusting along with the rest of my body. I'm around three months pregnant, and nothing could prepare me for how uncomfortable my body is. My feet have swollen and my clothes are beginning to not fit right. I have terrible morning sickness and I can never decide if my body is hot or cold.

"You okay?"

I turn and look towards my fiancé, seeing the concern in his face. He's been very protective over me, not letting me go on any dangerous cases. Which I understand, but sometimes it feels like he's smothering me. And then when I think that, I immediately grow guilty. My emotions are all over the place.

I let out a sigh and nod my head, "Yeah, I'm fine."

He tilts his head to the side, watching me for a second before he reaches down and takes my hand, lifting it to his lips and presses a kiss on the back of my hand. I smile at his sweetness when a voice erupts us.

"Come on Crowley, pick up!" Dean yells before hanging up on a huff and turns to us, "Where the hell is he? It's not like he's got a social life."

Dean ended up coming back to the bunker after they found out a friend of theirs had been bitten by a werewolf. But while Dean was away, he and Crowley teamed up to sought out a demon named Cain, the one from the bible and one of the original demons. He has a blade that is said to be able to kill a knight of hell.

Cain, himself used it to kill them all, all bar Abaddon. However in order for the blade to work, the person wielding the weapon must also bare the mark of Cain. This is the brand that Lucifer marked him with when he turned him into a demon. Cain transferred the mark to Dean to use in order for him to kill Abaddon.

Now that the has the mark, the only other thing we need is the blade itself. According to Cain, he buried it in the deepest part of the ocean that no one could get too. Crowley is meant to be retrieving the blade, but Dean hasn't heard from him in weeks. Hence his aggravated state as he continues to ring the king of hell.

"Are you actually worried?" Sam asks and Dean to rolls his eyes before hanging up the phone, "Guy's got one job. Find the first blade, bring it back. How hard is that?"

"It's Crowley. He's not exactly a team player." I murmur.

"Yeah, but he has his ass on the line too." Dean says, taking a seat at the table, "He goes missing for weeks on end without a peep? Well, not one that makes sense, anyway. Listen to this."

Dean presses a button on his phone, a voicemail playing for both Sam and I to hear, "Dean, um..."

Crowley begins to speak gibberish, his sobs echoing through the speaker in the phone. I grow confused and look towards Dean, "Wait a second. Did he drunk dial you?"

He ends the phone call and redials Crowley once more, "Come on."


I pull the puffy jacket tighter around me as I shiver, freezing in the night time air. We are at a crossroads, Dean finishing the devils trap on the gravel. He tosses the spray can away, "Alright, do it."

I begin to whisper the Latin, summoning a crossroads demon. We look around and soon a small woman with red eyes turns around, facing us. I stare at the demon in shock, recognising her instantly.

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