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Jimin's school bag

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Jimin's school bag

Jimin's school bag

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I'll have a picture of what Jimin's wearing at the start of every chapter, unless it's a continuation from the day in the previous chapter

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I'll have a picture of what Jimin's wearing at the start of every chapter, unless it's a continuation from the day in the previous chapter

Jimin POV

I looked in the mirror, my long pastel purple hair trailing over my shoulder. I smile and put on my pink skirt, first impressions count, right?

As of today, I was starting my new school, two of my best friends already went there, their names were Hoseok and Seokjin.

"Come on Jimin!" My mother called from down the stairs, I quickly slipped on my shirt, put on my converse and clipped a necklace around my neck.

It wasn't that I felt uncomfortable in my body and I wanted to be a girl, I just really liked having long hair and wearing girl clothes, I wouldn't change myself, not yet at least, maybe in the future if I wanted to become a full woman, but as of now, no.

Eomma was waiting for me at the kitchen counter, "I put all your books in the car already."

"Thank you."

"You look good."

I giggled, "thank you."

"How is my son better looking than me?"

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