16| Where

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Jimin POV

I shakily walk down the stairs, weary and tired out from crying. I sigh remembering that I couldn't hide forever, Jeongguk and Taehyung still have my bag.

I just shook my head, right now I had to focus on getting out of this dreadful building.

The halls were dimly lit and my footsteps echoed. The only people here now were teachers, students in detention and students in clubs. And all of those people were in classrooms.

It was pretty safe to walk freely, without worrying.

But I was still worrying.

Quickly I crossed the courtyard, making it out of the gates of hell. I roll my shoulders back and make my way home. I already knew I'd have to answer a thousand questions from Eomma.

My phone was still continuously buzzing with the sound of my friends texting me.

Probably just hate messages.

Yoongi POV

We all stood awkwardly at Miss Park's front door.

"I'm not interested in buy boy-scout cookies if your asking..." Miss Park says, looking at us weirdly.

"Umm no, we're Jimin's friends, she wasn't at school today, we wanted to see if she was alright," I lie.

Miss Park's eyes doubled in size, "what do you mean she wasn't at school today?"

"We haven't seen her all day," I lie again.

"Come in..." Miss Park says quietly, allowing us all to enter her house. I looked over at Jeongguk, who was worriedly looking over at Taehyung.

Namjoon looked at me, "s-should we tell Miss Park?" He whispered to me.

I shook my head, "not know, we can't freak her out more than we already have."

Namjoon nodded and looked around the house some more. I looked at the pictures on the wall, Jimin smiling in all of them as a child. I looked at a picture in particular, he was a park near the school. In the picture is Jimin kissing another boy.

Miss Park enters the room, "I contacted the school, maybe she was just skipping. You can feel free to stay here until Jimin comes back."

Miss Park smiles at us all.

"Miss Park, if you don't mind me asking, who is that in the picture there?" I point at the picture of Jimin kissing someone.

"When we first came here, Jimin had met a boy, fallen for him pretty quick, that was the result."

"What was the boy's name?" Taehyung asked out of curiosity.

"I think his name was Min Yoongay? Jimin will be able to tell you."

Miss Park smiled and left the room, as soon as she did Jeongguk snickered at me, "Yoongay."

I just look at the photo. In the picture Jimin had pastel aqua hair, it wasn't as long as it now, but still pretty long.

That reminded me of someone very familiar, someone who I used to date...

I quickly took out my phone scrolling at light speed through my images, until I got to the very bottom.

It was the exact same picture. I had never deleted that photo because I was always so hopeful that this mysterious girl would come back, hoping. Although I could never remember the girl, I just knew she was special to me.

Cross Dresser // m.y.g + p.j.mWhere stories live. Discover now