22| Warm Water

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Jimin POV

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Jimin POV

I lay on Yoongi's bed, breathing in the fresh scent of the early morning.

Next to me, hugging me tightly was Yoongi. As we had both turned eighteen, now in our last year of high school, we moved out into our own small apartment.

"Yoongi," I whisper, shaking him.

"Mmm, what is it Kitten?"

"Come on, we're going to be late for school."

"Five more minutes."

I rolled my eyes, sitting up and sitting on his stomach. "Now."

"Jiminnie, you're too light for that to do anything," Yoongi mumbled.

I sighed. I leaned down next to his ear, and started to nibble on his sweet spot.

Yoongi shot up, tackling me and rolling us over to an empty side of the bed.

"Jimin," Yoongi said in a stern voice.

"What?" I ask innocently.

"Don't do that unless you want me to pound in you at seven in the morning."

"Maybe I do."

"You little-."

"But your put now! So can you make me breakfast?"

Yoongi just rolled his eyes and started to tickle me.


Yoongi chuckled and stopped, letting me catch my breath, "come on, get up." Yoongi got off me and walked out of our shared bedroom.

I smiled, enjoying moments like this. Mornings that were filled with laughter and smiling, slight teasing here and there.

I got out of bed myself after hearing Yoongi calling me. "Come on Jimin! Don't tell me you went back to sleep!"

I walked into the kitchen, walking up behind Yoongi and hugged him.

"Your hair is getting long," Yoongi commented.

"Your hair is getting long," Yoongi commented

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