5| Perfect

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Jimin POV

I walked into the school yard, being attack by Hoseok again. I almost fell back.

"Are you going to do this everyday?"

"Of course, your way too hot not to."

I slapped his cheek softly.

"What did I do?"

"It's what you said."

Hoseok only hugs me tighter, "Jiminnie~ forgive me~."

"Stop being a dramatic hoe and let me breath!"


"Fine, I forgive you."

Hoseok lets me go and happily skips away to Seokjin. I stop for a minute to catch my breath, Hoseok seriously hugs hard.

I walk over to my friends, Seokjin looks up from his book for a second to greet me.

"Seokjinnie, talk with us~," Hoseok whined.

"Hmm that's nice."


"That's good."

I tap Hoseok's arm, "he's clearly not listen, watch."

"I've just killed 23 people and gotten away with it."

"Please, tell me more."

"I'm going to blow up the school with everyone inside it."

"Sounds nice."

"And I'll burn all your Mario figures."

"That's- WAIT WHAT?" Seokjin closes his book and stands up, "don't you dare touch my Mario figures!"

Hoseok and I burst out laughing. Out of all the things he chose to hear, it was the Mario one.

The bell rings loudly, and we all start to go to our homeroom (I think I said PC in the first chapter, it's just homeroom.)

I walk inside and put all my books down, waiting for the teacher. Yoongi walked into the classroom, sitting in the seat next to me.

"Do you think you can come over today?" He asks.

"No, I have something on."

Yoongi smiled and nodded. I wish I could've come over but unfortunately, I was stuck with being somewhere I didn't want to be. I was told yesterday that me and my 'friend' had to catch up. I shivered, already having an idea of what he will do.

"You okay?" Yoongi suddenly asks.


"You just looked like you were about to cry."

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