21| Exile

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Jimin POV

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Jimin POV

I woke up in Yoongi's bed, my clothes strewn all over the floor and with a sharp pain from my arse.

"Good morning, Kitten," Yoongi greets, walking out the bathroom.

"You hurt me," I pout cutely.

"I'm sorry baby. Do you want me to help you?"

I nodded and made grabby hands to Yoongi, who chuckled and grabbed me, picking me up carefully.

"Do you wanna take a bath?"

I nodded, resting my head on Yoongi's chest. Yoongi set me down on the bathroom vanity and ran a bath.

"How do you feel about school today?" Yoongi suddenly asked.

"I'm not sure, the police had found some nasty markings. They weren't telling me anything directly, but I overheard some hushed words about having a word with Chanyeol."

"Mhm, we only have to be there by 12 today, which is good."

"What do you think will happen?"

"I dunno," Yoongi said, shaking some water off his hand, before walking back over to me and picked me up, setting my down in the warm bath.

Yoongi undressed himself and then got in the bath himself. He sat behind me.

I rested on him back, letting the warmth engulf me. I closed my eyes as I heard Yoongi opening the shampoo bottle. He massages the product in my hair before washing it out. After massaging in and washing out the conditioner, I wash Yoongi.

"Do you want help out?" Yoongi asks, rubbing my tummy and he breathed in the strawberry scent that still lingered in my hair from washing it.

I nodded, humming.

"You know I love you, right?"

"I love you too."

I smile, before Yoongi taps my arm, signaling for me to sit up. He gets out and then lifts me out, wrapping me up in soft, fluffy white towel. I smile, snuggling down into it's warmth, trying to recreate the same feeling from the bath.

Yoongi empties the tub, picking me up and walking back into his room, placing me on his bed.

"So you don't have any clothes here, and I'm sure you don't want to reuse the ones you wore yesterday so I'll just find you some," Yoongi says, walking to his closet. He picks out a white shirt and some boxers.

"Eomma isn't home, these should be fine."

I nodded, taking the clothes, shaking the towel off. I slip them on, watching Yoongi bite his lip.

"You look good in your clothes, but I have to admit, you do look exceptionally good wearing mine."

"Maybe I should wear your clothes more then," I I giggled, pulling my hair out from under my shirt.

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