8| Gay Boy

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Yoongi POV

Jimin's soft snores were all I could hear, I didn't want to wake him up, but I had to, sighing internally.

"Jimin, you gotta get up," I shake her or him softly. Jimin groans, hugging onto me tighter, I wouldn't be human if I didn't take a few pictures. (I'm just going to use they/them pronouns for Jimin.)

I shake them again, "Jimin, come on, I don't think your eomma would like you being out so late."

Jimin groans, removing a hand and feeling around the couch, picking up their phone and turning it on.

"Can I just stay here tonight?" They ask.

I smirk, "sure."

Jimin sends a text to their mother, before putting the phone on stand by and hugging me again.

"Come on,"I tap Jimin, "get up, we gotta take a shower, you can borrow some of my clothes," I say, starting to sit up. Jimin groans again, sitting up and getting off me, picking up their phone.

I get up and lead Jimin up the stairs. I chuck them a towel and show them how to work the shower, letting them do their thing.

I flop back onto my bed, thinking about what Jimin had said. I mean, either way, they were still very beautiful and I wouldn't really give a shit, I had been openly bisexual for as long as I can remember.

I never saw why people limited themselves just to just one gender. Boys are freaking cute and beautiful too, and most of the time, more than girls.

I hear Jimin starting the shower. Maybe, if Jimin was still in a sleepy state, I could ask them about their gender.

I was so lost in thought I hadn't realised Jimin had come out the shower until they were standing right in front of me.

Jimin must've still been sleepy because I had never seen a more tempting chest in my entire life.

"Yoongi, do you have any clothes I could borrow?"

"Uhh, yeah, right this way..." I say, trying to control myself from taking Jimin right then and there.

I stand up, tearing my eyes away from Jimin's tempting body, I get him some clothes and hand them to him, Jimin softly thanks me and walks back into the bathroom.

I breath a sigh of relief, I didn't know how much longer I could see Jimin standing their shirtless without me at least kissing him.

All cards were on the table, Park Jimin, was indeed a boy. A really, really hot boy.

Jimin walked out the bathroom for the second time, rocking my clothes. The shirt was too big for him, eXpOsInG his collarbone, my sweatpants hugged his waist perfectly.

Of course my mind wondered to imagining Jimin only in pink lace panties, being pinned underneath me as he tries to contain his moans. I imagine myself palming him through his panties as he begs me to help him.

I mentally slap myself, realising I'm getting a boner. "Yoongi, there's only one bed," Jimin yawns.

"It's okay, just sleep next to me."

Was I an idiot or something?

Jimin crawled into my bed, I follow him in closely after. Jimin turns to curl into my chest, I close my eyes and hug him tightly.

Jimin had told me a lot today, and I was going to stop at nothing to find out who was raping Jimin. I hugged him close, kissing his forehead.

"Don't worry Jimin, I'll make sure no one hurts you anymore."

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