18| Blackflips

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Jimin POV

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Jimin POV

I woke up from my slumber, only to remember that I had to go to school today. I had scared everybody enough. It was finally time to face my demons.

I walked out of Seokjin's spare bedroom and into his kitchen.

"Good morning, sleep well?" Seokjin asked.

I nodded, yawning.

"Ready for school today?"

I sighed, "honestly, no, not at all. But I'm going anyway."

"That's what I like to hear."

I smile and nodded; Seokjin handed me a plate of bacon with some eggs. "We'll swing by your house on the way, okay?"

I nodded, Seokjin ruffled my hair and walked off. I looked at my breakfast and started to slowly eat it.


I walked into school with Hoseok and Seokjin protectively by my sides. My stomach was doing back flips.

I wasn't ready to face anyone yet, especially Jeongguk of Taehyung.

"It's okay Jimin," Hoseok says softly, rubbing my back. I look up at him from my daze and nod, smiling slightly.

I shakily walk to up my locker, where Yoongi, Jeongguk, Taehyung and Namjoon were all waiting.

Jeongguk was the first to turn around, my bag in his hand. "Jimin," Taehyung calls, smiling sweetly.

I walk up and take my bag, mumbling a small thanks.

"Umm so Jimin..." Taehyung started, but trailed off.

"Look, we didn't want to do anything without your permission first, but we all think you should see the principal about the... The rape," Jeongguk finishes for him.

I open my locker, putting my books in my bag for the first two periods. "We know you might not want to, and we know it's probably really hard, but it's really for the best."

I sigh and close my locker, Yoongi steps forward, "we're not going to let you go through with this torture anymore, Jimin, please tell someone."

I look at them all, biting the inside of my mouth, "I'll even come with you if you want some moral support," Yoongi offered.

"Fine," I whisper. The bell rings for homeroom, "let's go now," Yoongi says quietly, grabbing my hand.

I smile and nod, waving goodbye to everyone else. Yoongi wraps his arm around my waist, basically dragging me along to the office.

Once we make into I could feel my legs starting to turn to jelly.

"May I help you boys?" The receptionist asks.

"We'd like to speak with the principal, now," Yoongi says boldly.

"For what reason?"

"There's been a... Conflict... Between Jimin and another student."

The receptionist nods and points to some seats, indicating for us to sit down. The receptionist starts doing her thing.

"Hey Jimin ," Yoongi starts, I look over at him. "You said you used to live here before... When you were last here were we in a relationship?"

I nod hesitantly, was Yoongi finally remembering everything after the car crash? This could be both bad and good.

Before Yoongi had suffered from amnesia, he was on the path to self destruction. There was too many nights when he came home smelling like weed, alcohol, vomit and other not so pleasant things. No matter how many times I had told him to stop, he just wouldn't.

"Is that why... Why we moved so quickly?" Yoongi asked.

"Yeah... You were the main reason why I fought to move back to Seoul, while you were a shitty boyfriend, I loved you. I needed to know you were okay."

Some nights, when Yoongi was especially drunk, he'd beat me. He'd always apologise in the morning after, and didn't actively abuse me. He was pretty shitty in other parts of our relationship. Yoongi wasn't one to care for feelings, more in it to have a good time and easy access to sex.

But when he wasn't clouded with the smoke and neon lights of party, Yoongi was such a sweet and caring boyfriend.

"What do you mean, shitty boyfriend?"

"I... Wait, can you remember before the car crash?"

"No, your eomma and my eomma just told me last night."

"Oh well, it's kind of hard to explain and a long story, I'll tell you after this."

Yoongi nodded.

"Park Jimin and Min Yoongi?" The principal asked, we got up and walked into her office.

Miss Lee lead us into her office, sitting us down before taking her place in front of us.

"So, what have you come in here to tell me?"

"Do you want me to tell her?" Yoongi asked me softly, I nodded. He then turned to Miss Lee, "Miss, your student, Park Chanyeol has been raping Jimin here."

Miss Lee's eyes doubled in size. "He's been WHAT?"

"He found about a certain secret of mine, and then threatened to tell everyone if I didn't do exactly as he said. I have said no countless times but he kept going," I explained to her.

Miss Lee went straight to the speaker. "Park Chanyeol, make your way to the head office please, Park Chanyeol."

After Miss Lee finished with her announcement, she turned back to us. "How long as this been going on for?"

"About three years."


"I used to live here, that's when it all started. I moved and then eventually came back, and it started again."

Miss Lee nodded, "is there any evidence of this happening?"

"Chanyeol has pictures on his phone, I have marks on my body."

Miss Lee sighs, scratching her head, "I'll have a word, and I'll also have to get the police involved. This is a crime."

I nod hesitantly.

Chanyeol walks into the room, he sees me and then Miss Lee. Anger is quickly written across his face.

"Chanyeol, I'd like you to hand me your phone right now, unlocked," Miss Lee demands.

My depression has been really bad lately so sorry for this shitty chapter but I wanted to post something.



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