10| Asshat

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Jimin POV

Yoongi walked away with me, his arm still securely wrapped around my waist. Unlike when I was with Chanyeol, wanting to get out his grip as soon as possible, I actually wanted to stay like this.

Yoongi and I walked into the classroom, sitting down in out seats. "You did good Jimin," Yoongi whispered to me, placing his hand on my thigh and rubbing it up and down. I nod, biting my lip.

Yoongi smiles softly at me before turning his head to the front of the classroom, but not removing his hand. I felt my cheeks starting to turn a lovely shade of pink.

I try to listen to the teacher as much as I could, but that was very hard to do that when Yoongi was getting bored and started squeezing my thigh.

"Yoongi, stop."

Yoongi merely smiled and dragged his hand up further up my thigh, "Yoongi."

He put his head in his hands, fine, two can play that game.

I go straight for the money, palming him slowly through his jeans. Yoongi stiffens, no longer holding that sly smirk across his face. I wink and bite my lip, just to get him more riled up.

I only get faster with my palming until Yoongi finally removes his hand from my thigh, I then remove my hand from his crotch.

"You cheeky bastard."

I smile and shrug, looking back up at the teacher, ignoring Yoongi and his problem.

The bell rings for first period, and we pack all our things, Yoongi glaring at me, tying his jumper around his waist, covering his problem I created for  him.

I pick up my diary and walk out the classroom, packing my things into my bag before throwing it over my shoulders, follow Yoongi off to our first class.

"Are you going to apologise for being so kinky or what?" Yoongi asks.

"I dunno, are you going to apologise for teasing me first?"


"Well there's your answer."

"You little-."

"HOSEOK!" I yell, running and jumping up on his back, Hoseok only just having enough time to catch me.

"Hey baby~," Hoseok says in a joking manner. "I missed you," I rubbed my nose against his before we burst out laughing.

Hoseok puts me down and then smiles at Yoongi, walking up to us. "Wassup Yoons?"

"Don't call me Yoons."

"I think it's a cute nickname," I say, Yoongi glares at me, "but your also a kinky cunt, your opinion is not valid."

Hoseok smirks, "anyway, we gotta get to class, bye Hoseok!" I say, pulling Yoongi with me, Hoseok playfully smacks my ass as we walk away.

I knew he was too gay for his own good. Most people mistook us for a couple, and I saw where they were coming from. But we were nothing more than just really close friends.

I suddenly feel Yoongi protectively wrap an arm around me, his hand resting on my ass. I look up, Chanyeol was walking our way.

He stops right in front of me, bending down to whisper something in my ear.

"Remember who you belong to."

Yoongi snaps, pushing Chanyeol, "hey, watch it little man."

"You watch it, you lanky bastard, don't touch my girlfriend."

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