12| Circles

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Yoongi POV

"Come on," I pull Jimin away, he merely waves goodbye to all of his friends.

"Where are we going?"

"My house."

"It's the middle of the day."

"Do you think Chanyeol cares? I'm not letting you get hurt."

Jimin opened his mouth but I just picked him up and threw him over my shoulder. 

"Come on," I mumble as I walk out to the car park and put him in my car. "You know I can walk, and buckle myself, right?" Jimin asks, as I do up the buckle.

"Yeah, but I wouldn't be a good boyfriend, if I let you do all of that yourself, would I?"

"Your right, do my homework peasant."

 "Abuse of power much?"

Jimin pouts cutely before I give in, "fine, let's get home first," I close the car door and walk around, getting in and driving away.

"We got the whole day, what are we gonna do?" Jimin asks as we drive.

"I dunno, what do you want to do?"

"Watch Netflix?"

"Sure thing Kitten."

Jimin happily smiles and we drive up to my house, I steal a few glances to look at the masterpiece sitting next to me.

How did this happen?

We pull up to my house and get out, walking inside. We go to the couch and collapse immediately, Jimin cutely snuggles up to me.

I scroll through the Netflix catalog while Jimin slowly climbs onto my lap and curls up, as if he was a cat.

I smile softly at the small boy curled up on me and put on a random show, not really caring because it wasn't like we were really going to be watching it anyway.

Jimin was pretty much already asleep and I was just watching him.

So cute.

We had gone in a full circle, Jimin sitting like this, telling me about the stupid Chanyeol bitch and now we were here again, after confronting him.

I keep watching TV for about another hour before Jimin wakes up again.

"Good morning," Jimin mumbles.

"Good afternoon, Baby," I correct.

Jimin blushes heavily at the nickname. We technically weren't together, but I could feel like that was going to change.

Jimin POV

I was really glad Yoongi brought me back to his house, I probably wasn't going to last another second at school.

God knows what Chanyeol was going to do.

"Come on, let's get some lunch," Yoongi says, I nod and get off him, stretching after my nap.

Yoongi smacks my arse as he walks past, going to the kitchen. Not that I minded.

I walk into his kitchen and sit on the counter, watching Yoongi as he stood in front of the fridge. He closed it and then opened it again, groaning.

"Because when you close the fridge and open it again there's going to be a beautifully made meal. Logic."

Yoongi turns around and frowns at me, I roll my eyes at his moodiness, "move aside midget," I sigh, getting off the counter.

"Midget? I'm taller than you!"

"Yeah, yeah, by a centimeter."

"Still taller."

I push him aside with my hip and take some food out the fridge. "I know your not going to help me even if I asked so move aside," I say flatly.


"But true."

"It's not true."

"Are you going to help me then?"


I roll my eyes and go back to making us some sandwiches.

I feel Yoongi press himself up behind me, hugging me from behind while I worked. I could get used to this in future, sleepy Yoongi walking down the stairs while I make me and him breakfast. He comes up behind me and kisses my neck and hugs me while I lean back into him.

I smile and finish making Yoongi his sandwich, I turn around only to be met with a pair of chocolate brown eyes. I look down at his lips, they were so close to mine; Yoongi looks down at my lips.

The tension that once hung low in the air started to rise a bit.

Yoongi finally moved forward, pressing his lips against mine. I didn't really know what was happening, all I knew was that my heart was beating really fast and my head was screaming at me to kiss him back.

After an eternity, I kissed back, my arms wrapping around his neck, Yoongi hoisted me up onto the bench, so I was taller than him, his hands resting softly on my ass. The kiss wasn't lustful, just a sweet romantic kiss. As if Yoongi was telling me not to worry about Chanyeol and his shit.

We parted, foreheads still connected, "your really beautiful Jimin," Yoongi says, pushing some of my long hair that had fallen from behind my ear with we were kissing back.

I could feel the heat in my cheeks rise. "T-thank you."

Yoongi smiles softly at me, "come on, let's eat," Yoongi says, letting go of my ass as he picks up his sandwich.

I slide off the counter and grab my own and we walk around to the bench.

We eat in silence, not really knowing what we should talk about.

Yoongi clears his throat, "so did you like it?"

My cheeks flush and I nod, Yoongi smiles and pats his lap. I get up and sit on his lap, his arms locking around my waist.

"Do you know just how much I'd give in a heartbeat just to be with you?"

My heart beats faster. I turn my head to look at him.

"Your very beautiful, kind, not to mention hella smart. There's nothing wrong with you, your perfect."

If my heart was beating fast before, it was beating 100 times faster now.

"What do you say? Can I call you mine?"

So many bitches I need to bitch slap right now.

Off I go.


Twitter: Kooks_cream


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