19| Rape

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Yoongi POV

Chanyeol angrily looked over at us, I protectively put a hand over Jimin. Chanyeol obeyed, unlocking his phone and handed it to Miss Lee.

Miss Lee looked through his images. Gasping and frowning at a few.

"Mr Park, I think I'm going to need to keep you here for a while. Jimin, Yoongi, if you'd like to have the rest of the day off," Miss Lee dismisses.

I get up with Jimin, bowing politely before walking out of the office.

"The police are gonna get involved, aren't they?" Jimin asked as we walked through the empty halls.

"Probably, but Chanyeol can't hurt you anymore."

Jimin nodded as we got outside I opened my car door for Jimin.

"Yoongi... Do you remember anything from before the car crash?" Jimin asked quietly.


"Promise me... Promise me t-that you'll protect me and never leave me, again."

"I promise baby, but you have to tell me what I had done wrong, so I can't repeat them."

Jimin nodded.


We sat on a park bench.

I looked out at the park, processing everything Jimin had just said to me.

"So your saying I was a drug addict, alcoholic asshole, on the path to suicide, who used his boyfriend who cared from him very much for easy access to sex?" I ask, tears in my eyes.

Jimin nods, "when I came back, I had expected for you to remember, seen your ways and changed. So I said to this relationship so quickly. I wanted us, more than anything, to go back to the way things were before you had become an asshole. No offense."

"No, no, full offense. I really was an asshole."

Jimin sighed, resting his head no my shoulder. "I don't want you to blame yourself for your past mistakes."

"Do you know someone called Dom?"

"Yeah, she was my best friend. Unfortunately she moved back to Australia just a bit before I moved to Daegu."

"She's back in Seoul, although her Korean sucks and her accent is thick."

Jimin perked up, "really?"

I giggled at how excited he was to hear about this news. "I saw her a few nights ago. Of course sh had to introduce herself to me again, but still saw her."

"Wait, really? You better not be lying to me or I swear to god I'll slap you so hard-."

"I'm not lying," I giggle, ruffling Jimin's hair. "I don't know where she is, but she's here."

Jimin nodded smiling, "thank you anyway." He hugged me tightly. I smiled softly, hugging him back.

I walked Jimin back to his house. "Tell me how it goes with your mother," I giggle.

"I'll text you."

Jimin POV

I walked into my house; Eomma was making tea, which means people were here.

"Eomma who's here?"

Eomma just pointed to the couch.

I walked into the living room. Sitting on our couch were two police officers. "Good afternoon," I quickly say, bowing politely.

"Good afternoon, I'm going to assume Jimin. Am I correct?" One police officer asks.

"That'd be me."

"You can relax, you're not in trouble."

I nod, although I was still tense.

"We're just here to ask you some question about the rape."

We all turned our heads to the sound of china shattering, Eomma was standing at the entrance, cupping her hand over her mouth. "R-rape?" She whispered, barely audible.

"This is going to be hard to hear," the second officer said softly.


"This morning, your daughter came to the principal's office, claiming to be rapped by another student, Park Chanyeol. After going through his phone, this was found to be true," the office explained slowly.

Eomma nodded, squeezing my hand and looking lovingly at me.

"We've gone through an interview with Chanyeol and his parents, but he refused to tell us any useful information. We'd just like to ask a few questions."

I nodded, signaling I was following.

"First of all, we'd like to know why he did rape you."

I breathed in deeply, "Chanyeol found out... A secret-."

The officer cut me off, "what was the secret?"

"Umm..." I looked at Eomma, nodding.

"My little Jiminnie here, she, well she's a boy."

The officers nodded, taking down a few notes. "So, Chanyeol found out I was a... A boy.... And he threatened to tell everyone if I didn't do exactly what he said. It started off small, like carrying his books to class. But then... Then is started progressing, until he raped me for the first time, even though I had said no many times."

Eomma squeezed my hand.

The officers nodded, "we can understand this must be hard for you, so we'll just ask one more question for today. Are there any still visible signs on your body?"

I nodded.

"Okay, so you might not be comfortable, but we're going to take official pictures of these markings. Not today, when your feeling a little more comfortable. Okay?"

Eomma and I nodded.

The officers got up, bowing. "We'll be going now, thank you for your time."

Eomma went to see them out. I just sat there, staring at the empty place where the officers once sat.

"Jimin, why didn't you tell me?" Eomma asked.

"Chanyeol said if I told anyone, refused to do what he said or, got any help in any sort of way, he'd tell everyone."

Eomma sighed, coming to hug me, her tears wetting my shirt. "We could've stopped this so much earlier on."

I sighed, hugging her back. "I was just so scared, he wasn't the nicest."

Tears started to build up in my eyes.

"Well don't worry anymore, you're okay."

This book will be ending soon.

Sadly :(

Twitter: Kooks_cream



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