3| Tutor

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Jimin POV

I walk into my maths class, going to an empty seat and placing my stuff down on the desk. I take out my book but my relaxation was short lived as I felt someone standing in front of me. I looked up, a few stands on my hair falling in my face.

"Umm, this is my seat."

"Oh, does this class have a seating plan?"


I frown, "then how is this your seat?"

"I just always-," the boy was cut off, "Jeongguk, leave her, there's plenty of other seats," another boy says, I turn my head to see it was Yoongi.

Jeongguk huffs and walks away, Yoongi pulls the seat out from the desk next to me and sits down next to me.

"Hey," he says.

I sigh, I didn't associate myself with people who bully.

"Umm," Yoongi says, expecting me to say something back.

"I'm still mad about what you did to that boy."

"Come on, he owed me."

"I highly doubt that, and even if he did, you shouldn't pin him up against some lockers and shake all of his stuff out his bag."

"It's just business."

"What the fuck? Are you apart of the mafia or something?"

"Why would you think that?"

"You just said, 'it's just business' you make yourself sound like a full functioning sociopath."

Yoongi thinks for a bit, "well, it is just business."

I sigh, "well if your going to keep talking to me you might as well forget doing 'business' because I don't associate myself with bullies, like yourself."

The teacher walked in and I quickly averted my gaze to the teacher, "good morning class," the teacher greets.

We all greet him back and he takes out his maths text book, "everyone I'd like you all to take out your books and turn to page 460, just finish the algebra from last lesson," the teacher instructs before going back to doing what he was doing.

I open my book, "you know you don't have to do it? Mr G is pretty chill and doesn't really give a shit."

Mr G looked up at Yoongi, glaring at him before going back to his work, "well I'm going to do it so I can actually get a good grade on this test."

I look at my first question.

I could feel Yoongi's eyes burn into me, making my semiconscious, I start working faster, as if it was supposed to make him look away.

Finally I stop and look up at him, "can you not stare at me?"

"How can I not stare at the view?"

"My head is bent down, you can see out the window behind me."

"You are the view."

I open my mouth but end up madly blushing.

"I need to do my work," I say quietly.

"Hey Jimin," Yoongi says, I look up from my work, "you like this stuff?"

I nod.

"You think you could maybe.. tutor me?"


"I suck at this, it doesn't make sense."

"It's logical, it's practically done for you!"

"That doesn't make me know it any better."

I sigh, "well, you have 5 of an unknown number, we know that five of that number plus 1 equals 31, correct?"


"So you need to take one from each side, to balance it out-."


I sigh, this kid seriously knew nothing. Yoongi looks at his page and then up at me, "you need to get rid of the one so you can to problem easily, but what you do one side, you must do to the other side."

"Why do we have to get rid of that number? Why is it 5x?"

"I just told you, it's so you can to the problem easily! It doesn't need to be 5x necessarily, it can be any letter."

Yoongi sighs, leaning back as if what I had just said was hard to understand.

I try to help him as much as I could throughout the time we had, I roll my shoulders as the bell rang, I tore off a piece of paper, scribbling my number on it and giving it to him.

"Text me your address, or don't, I don't really care, but if I'm coming over, it's to help you."

Yoongi nods, I get my stuff and walk off.

Yoongi POV

I watch as she walks out the classroom, she certainty had hell of a lot of thighs and ass, I wondered what kind of panties she was wearing, and if I'd ever be able to take them off for her one day.

I turn to Jeongguk, who was smirking, "Hyungie got a number~."

I nod, "it's only for tutoring for now, but later, it'll be because she's horny and needs some help with her problem."

"I DIDN'T NEED DETAILS! MY INNOCENT EARS!" Jeongguk blocks his ears.

"I know goddamn well you get hard at the thought of Taehyung and probably 'relieve' yourself while thinking of him at home."


"Says who?"

"Two seconds ago you were talking about taking off the new girl's panties and saying that one day she'll text you because she needs some... 'help' and just now you thought of my jacking off."

"The other shit, yeah, but I never thought of you jacking off."

"You just said that I get off to the thought of Taehyung, which means that you would've had to have thought about it."

"You didn't deny it."

Jeongguk huffs and storms out the classroom, I chuckle and walk after him. Little shit probably has to scale drawings of Taehyung's ass, it's not like he doesn't know what it looks like, he stares at that 24/7 when he's at school.

I put Jimin's number into my phone and texted him my address, telling him it was me. Truth be told, I really did need some help with my maths, and these lessons would probably help a lot.

Is it weird that I actually really like algebra?

I joke a lot about sucking at school but I got mostly As and Bs last year...

Edited: 9/02/2018

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