14| Legs

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Yoongi POV

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Yoongi POV

"What did you just call me?" I ask.

"Daddy," Jimin answers, a cheeky smirk plastered on his face.

"Do you really want to be put in a wheelchair?"

"Maybe if it means I'm with you."

"Kinky bastard-."

"Let's go to bed, I'm tired."

I was about to do a blow a fuse, but I just roll my eyes and turned around, "I'm going to take a shower?"

"Is that for your little problem?"

I turned around, "maybe."

Jimin got off the bed, walking up to me and pressing me against the wall, "tell me what to do with my mouth, Daddy."

I groaned, "I want you to get on your knees and suck me off like the good little cockslut you are."

Jimin gladly got down onto his knees, I watched him. He undid the button on my jeans and then pulled the zipper down with his teeth. I could feel myself getting even harder just watching him.

Jimin's fingers went to my waist, pulling my jeans and boxers down at the same time, my semi hard erection sprung up.

Jimin licked his lips like a cat and teasingly started to rub the slit of my member. "Hurry-," I had my breath taken out of me as Jimin took my whole length without a gag reflex, I was pretty big too.

I watched him as Jimin slowly started to take more of me in his mouth, before slowly bobbing his head.

I felt his tongue flatten against my throbbing member and trace along a vein before flicking over the tip. I could feel my legs shake slightly, Jimin started to bob his head faster, taking more of me in every time.

I felt my tip hit the back of his throat, almost sending me over the edge.

"Your doing so good," I growled.

Jimin moaned around me and took more of me in.

"Such so good to me Baby, aren't you?"

Jimin moaned louder, taking more of me in.

I groan and came down Jimin's throat as he lightly flicked his tongue over my slit, sending me over the edge.

I saw stars, having one of the most intense orgasms I had ever had. He let me thrust into his throat, riding out my high.

Jimin pulled off, licking his lips and swallowing all of my cum. "You taste good Daddy."

Jimin then got up and walked over to my bed, jumped on and rolled over, "good night!" He said, acting like nothing had just happened.

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