13| Dusk Till Dawn

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"What do you say? Can I call you mine?"

Jimin POV

I almost screamed.

I nodded and smiled, hugging Yoongi tightly. "Yes, of course!"

Yoongi smiled and softly kissed my lips. I kissed back, smiling into the kiss. No words could describe just how happy I was at that moment.

"I thought you were going to reject me to be honest."

"Why would I do that?"

"I dunno. Why does anyone do anything?"

"That got deep really quickly."

Yoongi smiled softly, "come on, let's go watch some T.V."

I nod and grab out plates, shimmying out of Yoongi's grip around my waist. I go around to the sink and wash up the dishes, smiling softly to myself.

"Come on Baby, leave those," Yoongi says, grabbing me and pulling me away from the kitchen.

"They're going to stink up the kitchen if we leave them."

"We only had sandwiches."


"And unless there's invisible meat or perishable food still on there, we'll be fine."

I roll my eyes, "it's just easier if you clean up while going through the day."


Yoongi POV

I looked at the sleeping kitten curled up on my chest. I smiled, tilting my head slightly.

I jumped a bit as I heard the garage door start to open. My mother was home from her business trip.

I turned to wake up Jimin, but he looked so cute sleeping like this. I sighed, I'll take the lecture from Eomma as to why I'm home early, I can't bare to wake up Jimin.

As I predicted, the sound of my Eomma's shoes hitting on the floor filled the room, I turned around to look at her, smiling sweetly.

"Why are you home early?" Eomma asks loudly, I press my finger to my lips.

"Shh! Your going to wake my girlfriend."

"Girlfriend? Omo did my little boy finally fall in love?" Eomma basically yelled. I hear Jimin groan a bit as he woke from his sleep.

Jimin's eyes flutter open, "hello Yoongi," he says softly.

"Her voice sounds so cute!" Eomma suddenly says, rushing over to meet Jimin. Jimin sat up slowly, trying to process what was happening.

"Jimin, this is my Eomma. Eomma, this is my girlfriend, Jimin," I introduce.

"Hello Jimin, I'm Jisu, Yoongi's Eomma."

Jimin started to get up to bow to her up but I held him down softly, "hello Jisu."

"Aww, my little baby is in love~."

I roll my eyes at my mother's cheesiness, but at the same time, really happy she has accepted Jimin and I's relationship.

Jimin blushes heavily, pushing his face into the crook of my neck. Eomma only coos more. "You two are so cute~, I won't stick around, I'll let you have your moment."

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