6| Monster

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Jimin POV

He thrusts into me, making me scream, not out of pleasure, but pain. I wasn't aroused, wasn't feeling it, I felt disgusting. Chanyeol ignores my screams and continues to thrust into me.

Tears stream down my face as I pull against the handcuffs, wanting to push him off me. There was no prep, no lube, and he didn't let me adjust. I didn't feel any pleasure.

"Stop being a brat," Chanyeol spits and he continues to fuck me. I cry harder, a few more thrusts and then he came inside me.

I only cried harder. Chanyeol rides out his orgasm, "you could enjoy this too Jimin, if you stopped crying and loosened up for once," he spat. He pulled out and walked around the room, leaving me with a burning pain everywhere. I curled up and cried.

Chanyeol walks into his bathroom, I hear the shower start to run. I cried, my dignity had been stripped from me. I had forgotten just how humiliating and painful it was.

A few minutes later Chanyeol comes out the shower, "all yours, oh, by the way, your staying here tonight."

I shakily nod and weakly try to get up, almost falling down, but I don't want to embarrass myself more than I already had.

I get in the bathroom, closing and locking the door. I turn on the shower, washing all of the smells and other disgusting gunk off me. Yet I still fell so disgusting. I wanted to peel off my skin, it felt so dirty, even though it was clean.

It was like having a bit of dirt stuck under my fingernails, except everywhere. I hugged myself, crying my eyes out until my head hurt.

I finally got out the shower, drying myself and wrapping a towel around my waist before shyly walking out the bathroom.

Chanyeol had already set clothes out for me, a black hoodie and some jeans, and a note.

Come down for dinner.

I scrunched up the note and threw it in the bin, it was a simple note, yet I hated it. I dressed myself and walked down the stairs. Chanyeol was waiting for me.

"I thought you'd never come out."

I just sit down, Chanyeol starts eating. I look at the food, had it been given to me by anyone else and I would've eaten without a second thought. But it looked disgusting.

"Eat," he orders.

I jump and start to pick up my chopsticks, picking at my food. 

"Eat," he growls. 

I jump again and start to put small portions of the food in my mouth.

"There we go, it wasn't so hard now, was it?"

I felt tears prick at my eyes again. I wanted to throw up. But he'd probably slap me if I did that.

"Can I text my Eomma?" I ask.


"To tell her I won't be coming home tonight."

"Tch, whatever."

I grab my phone out my pocket and text Eomma, saying I was staying at a friends house. Although I'd hope she'd somehow sense I was in trouble and come looking for me.

Eomma replied saying okay and for me to have a goodnight. Suddenly an idea sparked in my mind.

"Eomma said I couldn't stay over tonight," I say, looking up at Chanyeol. He suspiciously looked at me.

I quickly opened up another app that made fake texts, I pretended like I was trying to find her contact. I finished making the texts and showed him. Chanyeol sighed, "very well, I'll take you home."

"I can walk."

"No, I'll take you."

I just nod, knowing better than to insist. Chanyeol gets up and I go upstairs to get my clothes, the pain in my ass somehow increasing. I grab my clothes and walk downstairs. Chanyeol leads me out to his car and opens the door for me.

I get in, trying not to groan from the pain, Chanyeol gets in and we drive in silence, only me telling him which way to turn every few minutes.

He pulls up outside my house, I try to get out but find he's locked the door. I look over at Chanyeol, who leans closer to me and kisses half of my lips and cheek, "have a goodnight, Baby."

I nod and he unlocks the door, I get out and walk up to my door, unlocking it and walking inside.

"Jimin?" Eomma calls throughout the house.

"Just me Eomma!"

I close and lock the door, seeing Chanyeol's car still there. "I thought you were staying at your friend's."

"Yeah, their Eomma said they had an early start tomorrow and said it'd be better if I came home."

"Ah, well have you had dinner?"

"Yes, I'm going to go to bed, goodnight."


I bow to Eomma and scurry up the stairs. I change out of Chanyeol's clothes, I was going to burn them later. I take another shower, still feeling disgusting, but no matter how hard I scrubbed, I still felt disgusting.

I walked out, putting on my pajamas and going to bed. Hugging the sheets tightly, like if I didn't I'd be pulled from my bed and back to that cursed house, back to that cursed bedroom.

I slowly fell asleep.

Morning time skip

I groaned as I woke up, scratching my head, I didn't feel like going to school.

I got up and looked in the mirror, if there was some sort of good thing to this whole situation, it was that Chanyeol had agreed to not mark me in visible areas.

I get dressed slowly, due to the pain in my ass.

I had thought many times before coming back to Seoul weather I shouldn't dye my hair to it's purple colour and start wearing boy clothes

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I had thought many times before coming back to Seoul weather I shouldn't dye my hair to it's purple colour and start wearing boy clothes. I was sort of wishing I did.

But I just felt so comfortable in girl clothes, they made me feel complete. I didn't want to have to give up girl clothes, but I was starting to fear I would.

The pain I felt, it was unbearable, I've never been able to just be happy while living in Seoul, well, there was a few months, but then Chanyeol found out.

I shake off the memories and grab my bag, walking down the stairs, "I'm heading out Eomma!" I call, grabbing an apple from the fridge.

"Have a good day!" Eomma calls back.

I leave the house, becoming self conscious as I wondered if people could me limp a bit.

Edited: 11/02/2018

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