2| Bully

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I got my hair caught in my bra ;-; the fucking pain of pulling that shit out.

Jimin POV

Lunch soon came around, so far I had been introduced to 3 classes, to which I only remembered 1 boys name, Min Yoongi. There was something about him, it said bad boy and yet softy. I didn't know how to explain but I wanted to stay as far away as possible from him and yet at the same time, get as close as possible.

I walked the halls, going to my locker, Hoseok ran at me and jumped on me, fucking up my hair for the second time that day.


"You saw me an hour and 45 minutes ago," I grunt, pushing him off me, Hoseok pouted. 

"But I need you~."

I rolled my eyes and went to my locker, getting my books out for the next classes and putting my other ones away.

Seokjin walked up to us, Hoseok was rambling on about something to which I was not listening to.

"Come on, your so slow," Seokjin tusked, pulling me along.

As we walked to the lunch room I was that Yoongi guy from before, pushing what I was guessing, a grade 7 against the lockers.

"I'm going to ask you again, where is the money you promised?"

"I-I don't have it!"

Yoongi growled and lifted him up and slammed him against the lockers again, "WHERE IS THE MONEY YOU PROMISED ME?"

"E-Eomma didn't g-give me any!"

Yoongi turned to another one of his friends, "Namjoon, grab his bag," he ordered.

Namjoon nodded and grabbed his bag, shaking out all of the books onto the floor, with it, a few dollar coins and a ten dollar note fell out.

Yoongi let go of the boy and picked up the blue note, flicking it, "you're Eomma didn't give you any?"

"I swear, I didn't know that was in there!"

I felt rage build up in me, "hey!" I call out, Seokjin tries to pull me back but I keep walking forward.

"Just give him back the money, okay?" I say, crossing my arms and putting all my weight on one leg. Yoongi bites his lip.

"And if I don't?"

"I don't think you understand, that wasn't a question, it was a demand."

"Feisty; look Jimin, I was going easy on you because your new, but that can change in a second."

"If you think your intimidating, your not so just give him back the money and we won't have a problem."

"Are you threatening me?"

"I don't know Yoongi, am I?"

Yoongi growled and dropped the money, kicking the boy, "let him go," Yoongi ordered.

"Thank you," I said, turning to leave.

I could feel Yoongi's eyes bore into my ass as I leave. Hoseok leaped on me, "holy crap Jimin, when you stood up to Yoongi I got so hard, I think I came!"

I roll my eyes at him, "seriously I was like, please just fuck me~!"

"Keep it in your pants Hoseok," Seokjin sighed, shaking his head.

"I'm being honest."

"Too honest."

Yoongi POV

I sat at the lunch table, replaying what had just happened in my mind, I didn't expect Jimin to be so dominating, she definitely screamed submissive.

"Namjoon, I really like that girl."

"Which one?"

"The one with the purple hair."


"Yeah, something about her..."

Taehyung and Jeongguk walk up to our table and sat down, "that new girl put you to shame," Jeongguk teased.

"Shut up Jeongguk, at least I'm not obviously gay."

"I'm not gay."

"Mhm, and I'm not bi."

"Yes you are, you had the whole coming out thing!" Taehyung butted in.

Jeongguk patted Taehyung's back, "he was being sarcastic Tae."

Taehyung's mouth an 'o' shape. We all rolled our eyes at how slow Taehyung was coming to jokes let alone sarcasm.

We all started eating, I kept my eye on Jimin, she had a perfect smile, perfect features, everything about her was perfect.

I had every girl I wanted at my fingertips, and yet the one girl who I was guessing was just going to throw herself on me, I wanted the most.

"Checking out the new girl?" Taehyung asked, smirking.

"Just like the way you check out Jeongguk's abs in the locker room."

"Do not!"

"Or maybe the way that Jeongguk bores his eyes into your ass as you walk in front of him," I say, pretending to be choosing which one to say.

Jeongguk flicked a piece of pasta at me, "I don't!"

"Mhm, back to my other point, and I'm not bi."

Jeongguk's face flushed red as Taehyung looked over at him.

Namjoon looked at me, "so, what's got you so interested in the new girl?"

"Maybe because she's perfect in every way, even I have to admit, it was really hot and cute when she stood up to me. I thought she'd be a submissive."

I look behind me at the girl again, at that moment she turns around and catches me, she frowns and goes back to talking with Seokjin and Hoseok.

"Well Yoongi, your going to have to fight for this one, there's a lot of decent guys also checking her out and you, my friend, are definitely not the nicest guy."

I roll my eyes, "don't worry, I'll claim her as my own."

Namjoon sighs, "I have a feeling your going to get slapped the fuck up when you drop her."

"Who cares? That way all the decent guys won't be interested in her."

Namjoon sighs, "when are you going to stop being such an asshole?"

"I could ask the same for you."


I went back to looking at the purple haired girl.

The bell finally rang and I got up, throwing my uneaten lunch in the trash and walked off to my next class, hoping that she'd be in the same class as me.

Where there are children crying,

you'll find there's people dying.

True to Saint ########,

Saint ######## by the sea~.

(I modified my school song xD)

Edited: 7/02/2018

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