17| Amnesia

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Yoongi POV

I was hit by a car.

I got amnesia.

I used to date Jimin.


I flop back on my bed, looking up at the ceiling. I knew there was a reason as to why Jimin trusted me so easily, I had always thought it was a bit weird he had gotten so close to me so quickly. Why he had agreed to date me with barely knowing me.

Because he did know me.

I just didn't know him.

I knew now I wasn't going to get any sleep. I could hear Eomma come home from work; I had never gotten up or run faster in my entire life.

I almost tripped down the stairs.

"Hello Yoongi, what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Eomma... Was I hit by a car a few years back?"

Eomma's face dropped. She calmly put the key on the bench and silently lead me to the dinner table, sitting me down.

"Yes... It is true. You were running after your boyfriend Jimin, playing an innocent game of tiggy. No had seen the car coming, the person was highly intoxicated and extremely high, as you ran across the cross walk they hit you. You were in cardiac arrest and declared dead for twelve minutes.

When you did wake up, you had suffered for bad amnesia. You didn't remember me, or anyone; you fell back into a coma. After waking up for the second time, you only just remembered me.

Jimin was leaving at the time, when he came to kiss you goodbye, you pushed him away, having no clue as to who he was. Jimin apologised, he said he was fine, everyone could tell his world has just been ripped into shreds."

I looked at my hands.

"Do... Do you remember?"

"No. I can't remember anything. I was over at Miss Park's house this afternoon, she told me."

Eomma nodded, taking my hand and squeezing it.

"I'm so happy, you found Jimin again."

I felt hot tears start to build up, and then feel them spill over. "Baby..."

"I... I pushed Jimin away when he was trying to say goodbye. I forgot about him... I broke his heart!" I sobbed.

Eomma stood up and hugged me. I just kept crying, not knowing what to do. I felt like complete shit.

"Shh, shh, Yoongi you couldn't help it."

"It's all my fault... I broke Jimin's heart!"

"Yoongi, it's not your fault, you couldn't help it."

I stood up and ran out the house. Eomma calling from behind me.

I just kept running, down the street, around the corner until I stopped in the middle of a park. I looked around, panting and tears still streaming down my cheeks.

I didn't know how to process this. I probably knew about Chanyeol when I was dating Jimin the first time, and I pushed him away.

He felt like shit.

I feel like shit.

I collapse under a tree.

I just kept crying until I felt someone walk up to me. I looked up.

"Hey kid, what's wrong?" The female asked, taking a pack of cigarettes out of her pocket.

She had a thick Australian accent, clearly not from around here.

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