7| Limp

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Jimin POV

I limped up to my locker, getting out my books for the first classes and stuffing it in my bag, hoping, praying, that no one will come up and ask me about my limp.

I had told Hoseok and Seokjin ages ago, about my whole... agreement.

Hoseok ran up and jumped on my back as I crouched on the floor, putting my stuff in my bag.

"WASSUP MY CUNT?" Hoseok yelled, tackling me and rolling, so now I was laying on top of him, on my back.

"HOSEOK!" I yelled, slapping his knee repeatedly.

Hoseok sat up, so now I was sitting in between his legs, Hoseok back hugged me, "I could get used to this position."

I turned around and slapped him, growing self conscious as I pushed him off me, I could feel a pair of eyes burn into my skull. I wriggle out of Hoseok's grip and finish packing my legs, trying to bite back a yelp as I stand up.

Seokjin takes notice, "already?" He asks. I nod.

"Just you wait, I'll slap him so hard he'll fly down some stairs."

I sigh and shake my head, "I'm tied to this, even if you do slap him and make him fly down some stairs, by the way, tell me when you do that,  but I'll still suffer."

Hoseok got up off the floor, dusted himself off and hugged me, "life isn't fair, I know."

I sigh, I wasn't going to give up my comfort in dressing the way I do just to get out of being raped, although it was starting to seem like that was my only option.

The bell rings and I limp off to class, Seokjin and Hoseok walking on either side of me so it wasn't so noticeable.

I walk into my homeroom, waving Hoseok and Seokjin goodbye before trying to walk to my desk the best I could.

As I sit down, Yoongi comes and sits next to me, "I see you got a limp, what happened?" Yoongi asked. My breath hitched, my mind going through all the excuses I could say.

"I tripped, and fell, hurt my leg," I quickly said, not entirely sure if it made sense. Yoongi raised an eyebrow, "okay, I was just asking."

I smile awkwardly, "how'd you fall?" Yoongi then asks.

I know he was just making conversation, but I really wanted him to stop asking me questions.

"I tripped on a shoe, right at the top of the stairs."

"Why aren't you in hospital then? You fell down stairs!"

"There was only 2 steps..."

"Can you even call those stairs?"

I shrug, hoping to move on from the subject.

"So, can you tutor me this afternoon?" he suddenly asks.

"Yeah, do you want me to come over myself or just go with you?"

"What ever you want, Beautiful."

I feel the heat in my cheeks rise. Yoongi just smirked, liking his effect.


"Do you get it now?" I ask, pointing at the last question on Yoongi's page.

Yoongi turned to me and nodded, giving me his gummy smile.

"YEET!" Yoongi threw his maths book onto his bed.

Cross Dresser // m.y.g + p.j.mWhere stories live. Discover now