11| Motherfucker

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Okay but this song is fire. Why did the Swedish House Mafia have to split up?

Jimin POV

The bell finally rang for lunch, it was a double of nothing but playing crappy online games and talking about random shit.

Yoongi seemed reluctant for me to have to get off his lap though. I grab my stuff and pack my lappy away, ready to go to lunch.

"Come on, we walk together from now on, Chanyeol is angry and your not about to be ganged up on."

I only nod, letting myself be dragged along by Yoongi, we walk to his locker and then to mine.

"Come on, I'll introduce you to my friends," Yoongi says, smiling brightly. I nod and we go over to his table, already sitting there are three other boys.

"Hey Yoongi, who's this cutie?" One of the boys suddenly asks, licking his lips playfully.

"Go fuck Jeongguk or something, this is Jimin, the new girl."

"Oh, nice to meet you Jimin, I'm Taehyung, this is Jeongguk and over there is the human encyclopedia also known as Namjoon."

I bow, "nice to meet you."

"Aww, your voice is so cute and smol! Kinda like Yoongi," Taehyung coos.

Yoongi's head snaps to Taehyung, "listen here you little shit," Yoongi takes a go at Taehyung, but I pull him back and slap him.

"Bitch don't have a go at him because your insecure about your height," I scold.

"Jimin, your my favourtie person," Taehyung thanks, Yoongi and I sit down at the table, finally taking out our lunch.

I look around for my friends, who were probably looking for me.

"So Jimin, are you liking Seoul so far?" Namjoon asks.

"Yeah, it's better than before."

"Before? So you've been here before?"

"Mhm, I lived here for a year or so before."

"Why'd you move?" Taehyung asks, unnecessarily loudly.

"My Appa's work."

"Wait, does that mean you'll be moving again?"

"No, Appa and Eomma are split now."

Yoongi suddenly put a hand on my thigh, as if he was trying to support me, but then he started to squeeze it, hard.

I looked up, Chanyeol was heading straight for me. Yoongi's grip was only increasing as Chanyeol got closer.

He walked around and pull me by the hair and off the seat. Namjoon stood up along with Yoongi, Chanyeol held me up by the hair.

"We had a fucking deal, you slut," Chanyeol growled, throwing me across the lunch room.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM?" Jeongguk yelled, the whole school pretty much watching this now.

"That boy over there and I had a motherfucking deal and he fucking fucked me over."

"Boy, dude are you out of your mind? Jimin is very clearly a girl," Jeongguk pointed as I tired to get up.

"Oh, do you want proof?" Chanyeol waked up and picked me up by the hair again, holding me up.

His hand went straight for my skirt, before I kicked and screamed.

"FUCK OFF!" I kicked him as hard as I could in the stomach, "DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME YOUR FUCKING PERVERT!" I yelled, then kicking him right in the balls, Chanyeol dropped me and I quickly ran to Yoongi's side.

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