4| Secret

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Yoongi POV

It was the end of school, I was currently waiting for Jimin to hurry up and meet me out the front of the school so I could take her to my house. We decided that I could just take her straight to my house, to save time.

I sigh, it had now been 10 minutes, still no sign of Jimin, I start walking around the back of the school, maybe there had been some miscommunication and she might be waiting for me out back.

I hear voices as I near the destination, one voice sounds exactly like Jimin. I stop just before the corner, looking around.

There was a really tall man, holding Jimin by the waist, one of his hands slowly sliding down to Jimin's ass. He was... smirking?

"Remember who you belong to Jimin."

"I don't belong to anyone."

"Hmm, so you want everyone to know?"


"Who do you belong to?"

I couldn't see Jimin's face but he was very obviously shaking, I wanted to run into the situation and punch him, but I didn't know the situation.


The tall man suddenly groped Jimin's ass, "that's what I thought," he said through gritted teeth, lifting up Jimin's skirt a bit as he moved his hand away, I got a perfect view of her purple lace panties.

"Okay, you can go now, but I want to see you tomorrow, you owe me."

Jimin nodded, I quickly turned and left before he saw me. They were probably lovers, I sighed, that sucked for me.

I made it look as if I was walking out a side door of the school, "hey Jimin," I greet, she looks up, her purple hair falling in front of her eyes and looked up, she looked like she was about to cry.

But I didn't do anything. I don't fuck with emotions.

"You ready to tutor the dumbest man alive?"

Jimin shakily nods, but doesn't say anything.

We walk to my expensive car, Jimin throws her bag in and gets in, sighing and taking out the text book as I walk around to get in myself.

"So, what have you got planned?"

"I thought we could start out with some basic problems first, and see how you go from there."

Jimin POV

A long time ago, a guy had found out about my love for cross dressing, he threatened to tell the whole school.

I had heard of girls being found to be boys, it never ended well, usually with the guy getting beaten up.

So to keep it a secret I promised to do whatever it'd take for my secret to stay a secret. There would be nights I wished I was dead, because of the things he'd do to me, horrible things, things I wish I could take back and bury 10 feet under the ground.

Nights where I'd be chained up to a bed post while crying, begging for him to stop.

But he never stopped. I lost my virginity, my first kiss and my dignity to that man.

I loathed him.

I quickly shake my head, getting rid of the memories, I went back to looking at the text book, looking for more ways I could teach Yoongi the simple concept.

Cross Dresser // m.y.g + p.j.mWhere stories live. Discover now