9| Syrup and Pancakes

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I'm really hungry, someone feed me pancakes.

I'm really hungry, someone feed me pancakes

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Yoongi POV

I trudge down the stairs, a plate of fluffy pancakes was set in front of me, syrup being poured on the top. I look up at Jimin, who look up at me, his long hair falling in front of his eyes.

I smile softly, "thank you," I say softly.

Jimin nods and walks around the bench, sitting next to me. I turn to Jimin.

"Umm, about yesterday..."

Jimin POV

This was it, fuck. I was waiting for him to tell me to leave and never text him again. I tense a bit.

"Well, actually, first of all, I want you to calm the fuck down, because this isn't going where you think it is. It's okay if your a boy, you know that, that's not what I wanted to talk about."

I let out a breath of relief, "wait, so your not grossed out or anything?"

"Why would I be? You make a cute girl, and who gives a shit about what's between your legs? Anyway, I want to talk about something else you said. You said something about being raped..."

My heart stops beating for a split second.

"Jimin, I want to help you, so I need you to talk to me, who is it, and why is he doing it."

I let out a shaky breath, "his name is Park Chanyeol, he's doing this is me because found about my... identity... and well, he threatened to tell everyone. It wasn't so bad to begin with, since he just wanted someone to do his homework and things like that.

At first he thought it was kind of disgusting that I dressed as a girl, but then he said he was starting to grow on him, blackmailing me into doing anything that he wanted..."

I couldn't keep talking, a lump in my throat stopping me, so close to breaking into tears.

Yoongi's eyes were soft and concerned. "Okay, new rule, I don't want you talking or even going near him anymore."

I raised an eyebrow, "I'm not letting my secret out, not everyone is like you, I'll be beaten up."

"No. You're going to do what I tell you. No one is going to find out."

I look at him skeptically, Yoongi puts out his pinkie finger, "I promise."

I give in and interlock my pinkie with his, our thumbs coming up to meet.

"No more talking to him, ignore him in the halls, push him away if he tries to touch you, okay?"

I nod.

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