Chapter 16

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I was running as fast as possible. I knew that the other pack warriors couldn't be far behind, so I ran towards the smell. As I got closer, I could hear the growls.

As the tree opened up to a clearing, I saw eight or so grey wolves, and two badly bleeding brown wolves. I knew the brown wolves were ours. 

I saw a grey wolf about to close his jaws on a brown wolfs throat, so I leapt into the air. I tackled the grey wolf to the ground, catching it off guard and quickly clamping my mouth around his throat. The blood poured out of the wound and he was dead. I looked at the brown wolf. He was barely awake. Get here soon guys.

I turned back to the grey wolves. They were growling and circling me.


I didn't let them make the first move, jumping into action and tackling two to the ground. I bit whatever part I could find, snapping one wolf's leg. I felt one of the other's jump on my back, but I quickly bucked it off.

A grey wolf was advancing on the two brown one's now. I growled and propelled myself towards them. I headbutted the grey wolf, sending him flying into a tree. 

I stood with my back to the brown wolves, protecting them from the rogues. There were still five wolves left facing me. This wasn't good.

Two of them leapt at the same time, but I turned at the last minute, using my back legs to kick both in the face. It wasn't enough to keep them down, but it gave me time to swing around.

I leapt forward, landing on the back of a rogue. He fell to the ground, and I wrapped my jaws around his neck, crushing his larynx.

Pain went through my left side as a wolf bit into me. I howled in pain, but rolled on to my back to make the wolf let go. I stood up shakily.

Where the hell was my back up?

I was quickly knocked over by another wolf. He was on top of me, and it took all my strength to keep him from killing me.

Just when I felt my legs about to give out, a flash of brown fur came from the right, and the wolf was off of me. 

Ten wolves, all from the pack, flooded into the clearing. Within minutes, the wolves that were still standing were dead.

I lay on the ground and managed the shift back into my human form. Clothes were dropped at my feet. I pulled them on, ignoring the pain in my side.

I stood, appling pressure and tried to limp back. I stumbled and James caught me.

"Let me see Emmy."

I winced as I lifted my shirt. Blood was coming out of the holes in my side. God dammit, this better not mean more stitches.

"This looks bad Emmy. We better get you back to the pack house quickly."

I could only nodded at him.

That's when I saw the rogue. There was one still in the tree line. He smirked at me, and then I saw the gun. He had obviously been watching the whole thing. Before I could even speak, he had raised the gun and was pointing it straight at James' back. 

Without thinking, I pushed James to the side. The bang sounded around the clearing. I looked down at my shoulder and saw the blood. I watched the rogue run off into the woods as I stood there frozen.

Then my legs gave out. I fell forward onto my knees and then fell to the side. That's when I blacked out.


I woke to looks of beeping. I kept my eyes tightly shut, as I wanted to go back to sleep, and tried to ignore the pain in my shoulder. God, I needed to turn the alarm off.

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