Chapter 34

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Lisa was sighing loudly beside me. I didn't care that she was pregnant, I would hit her.

"Lisa, if you want something, just say."

She looked over at me. "No, I'm fine. Really, I'm fine."

I nodded slowly, not believing her for a second. And not a second later, she had turned her body to face me.

"Do you think it would be bad? You know, for the baby?"

I groaned and looked at her. "Lisa, you need to calm down. It won't affect the baby if you have cake. Just eat the damn thing."

She gasped loudly. "Emmy! What did I say about swearing? The baby has ears and doesn't need to be hearing that kind of language."

I shook my head at how like a mom she sounded already.

It was two weeks after I had woken up. And Lisa was as pregnant and hormonal as ever.

After that first day, everything was slowly returning to normal. I had had a few nightmares about the rogue house, but they were becoming less regular. I had talked to my parents, made up with James and now, I just needed Lisa to have this baby before I killed her.

I sighed. "How much longer is it until your due date?"

She glared at me. "You have already asked that three times today." I snickered. "But I will tell you one more time, it's in four weeks. And I'm not that bad."

I rolled my eyes, but didn't say anything. Tommy and I had learned that until Lisa gave birth, we should keep our mouths shut and get her what she wanted. It was a lot easier.

For instance, right now she wanted cake. And I wasn't going to argue with her. So here I stood in the kitchen making her a cake, while she sat and read a magazine.

The rest of the pack were either at school, or working. Lisa and I had decided to skip school today. Our parents didn't seem to care much. Plus, none of the them wanted to mess with Lisa. 

This led to Damien texting me every five minutes asking what was going on. As much as I loved him, his recent clingyness was getting annoying. 

"What do you think of Stephen for a boy?"

I pursed my lips. "That's nice."

She scowled at me. "I don't want 'nice'. I want my child to have a memorable, amazing name. Now help me. I don't have much time."

The name was the last thing on Lisa's list. She had already bought everything she needed, had a joining room in the pack house with the already decorated baby room. The only problem was the name.

I sighed. "Well, do you want ideas for a boy or a girl?"

"Both." She had refused to know the sex of the baby before she gave birth. So we called it 'it' or 'baby'. 

"Okay start with boy names. How about Charlie?"

"No. Too gender neutral."


"No. Too Harry Potter. But without the twin."


"No. Too generic."

God this was going to take a while. I gritted my teeth. "What about Liam?"

There was a pause and I looked up at her. She looked thoughtful. "Liam. Liam." She said it a couple of times to herself, trying it out. "I like it."

Thank god, I thought. But I soon grimaced. 

"Now girls. Rebecca?"

"No. Too likely to be shorten."

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