Chapter 15

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It had been a few weeks since Damien had officially started doing my chores, and we were finally friends. Although Lisa was insisting it was something more.

"I'm sorry, but I see something there. I mean, you are spending a lot of time with him." 

We were currently sitting at our lunch table with Tommy and Calum. Neither of them were listening to us as they were too busy talking about sports.

"Yeah, I am spending a lot of time with him. But only because he still sucks at my chores. Plus its usually when the children are around. It's not like we're hanging out alone. That much."

She rolled her eyes. "Try and deny it, but I see something there."

I snorted. "Please, give me some credit. I mean, he has improved, but not that much."

"Whatever." She took a bit of the salad in front of her. "So what are you doing tonight?"

I sighed. "Well I have pack training and then I'm going to be dying a little. I'm exhausted."

The past few weeks had been full of training, late night patrols and more training. I was still working out with James, so I had almost no free time. On top of that, I was still basically doing my own chores because Damien was impossible to teach. He had got bored easily, so was rarely paying attention. I had to teach and reteach him everything.

The only thing he was good at was making a fool of himself in front of Bailey and her friends.

I didn't know why I was still helping him. I had enough on my plate without having to deal with Damien and my chores. But I was some how coping.


"Come on Emmy, one more lap."

I gritted my teeth and pushed my legs harder. The sweat was dripping down my face and I felt like my lungs were going to explode. But I kept going.

I could hear people running behind me. the other pack warriors. They were a bit behind me, but I still pushed my body.

Once I saw the trees starting to thin, I knew I was almost in the garden. With the little energy I still had left, I leapt up over a fallen tree trunk, and landed easily in the yard. Here, Alpha Aiden and my father both smiled at me proudly. I smiled back, and then flopped on to the ground.

I lay there, breathing in deeply, trying to get enough oxygen into my body. A few minutes later, the other boys ran out of the woods, all panting.

I laughed, and slowly climbed back on to my feet. My muscles were sore, but I just stretched and moved over to my father. The other boys just lay on the ground, all looked exhausted.

"Well, guys, it looks like we have a few bruised egos now. You boys might want to step up your game." Each of the groaned while I smirked.

"That was good today. We've got another training session tomorrow afternoon, at 4. Anyone who's late will have me to deal with."

We all nodded and my dad and Aiden headed inside. I wiped the sweat off my forehead. I was still too warm, so I pulled off my t shirt and stood in my sports bra. I looked up to see all the guys staring at my chest.

I sighed. "What, you guys never seen a bra before? God, you guys manhoods must be smaller that I thought." This was not well received.

I then headed inside, desperately needing a shower.

Twenty minutes later, I was washed and heading downstairs to get something to eat. That's when I heard James.

"Emmy. Let's go."

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