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A/N: I was going to put this off until tomorrow, but because of th response I've gotten, here it is. The last chapter of Pack Warrior.


"Oscar! Stop hitting your sister and eat your breakfast."

He pouted, slumping in his seat. I gave him a flat look and he sat up straighter, grabbing his spoon and taking a bit of his cereal.

My son Oscar took very much after Damien. He had the same chocolate brown hair, that was long and a bit curly. He wouldn't let me cut it. Ever. And even for a six year old, he was stubborn and energetic.

His sister Laila on the other hand was quieter. She looked like me, with the long dark hair and pale complexion. She had her father's eyes though, crystal blue. 

It had been ten years since Aiden stepped down and Damien had become Alpha. We had gotten married two years after that, moving out of the pack house and getting our own place. I put off having any children until after I graduated college. 

That's when we had Oscar. And two years later, we had Laila. She was now four, having been the quietest toddler ever seen.

Damien wondered into the kitchen then. Even after ten years, my mate was still hot. He smiled at me, kissing my cheek and ruffling Oscar's hair. He picked Laila up and sat in her seat. He then place her in his lap and she went back to eating.

He looked over at me. "I have a pack meeting this afternoon, but I should be back in time for the party."

I gave him a flat look. "You better. Bailey is only going to have a sweet sixteen once you know."

He rolled his eyes at me. "I know. I'll be there."

I nodded, placing a plate of food in front of him. He thanked me and started eating.

As I fixed myself a plate, I saw a movement outside. I glanced into the trees and saw a large brown wolf. I smiled as James shifted back and walked to the back door.

He didn't even bother knocking any more, walking right in.

"Good morning."

I glared at him. "What on earth are you doing here?"

He sat down beside Oscar, who grinned up at him. Oscar worshipped James and was determined to become a pack warrior. Not that I minded that.

"I came to wait for you. We are still training today right?"

I sighed, putting some eggs and bacon on a plate and handing it to James. He dug into it. 

"I will once Raven brings Natalie over. She said she would be here in an hour if you don't mind waiting."

He nodded, his mouth full of eggs. "I don't mind."

I gave him a disapproving look and he just shrugged his shoulders.

Once we had all finished eating, I took Oscar upstairs to get ready for school. This always took a long time, because he hated school. But one thing he hated more, was shoes.

"Oscar come and put your shoes on."

He ran away from me, jumping over his bed and out off the room. I groaned, following behind him. He loved playing this game.

"Come on Oscar, you'r going to be late."

He was already downstairs in an instant. Thankfully, Damien grabbed him, picking him up and spinning him around a bit. I was out of breath as I reached them. I put my hands on my hips and glared at my son.

He just smiled big and gave me an innocent look. "Sorry mommy."

I smiled back. "It's okay. Now sit a piece while I put your shoes on."

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