Chapter 11

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I had to admit, as much as I hated Damien, I felt sorry for him. I thought he deserved to be punished, but nothing like that.

His eyes were still on me. I bit my lip and sighed.

"Damien, I'm not going to say you're dad didn't mean what he just said, or that it wasn't true, because I can't. But I want you to know that I think you could some day be an amazing alpha."

He shook his head. "No. You said it yourself Emmy, I would run this pack into the ground."

His voice was low, he sounded so defeated.

"No Damien. I know what I said. But I was wrong. Now I'm not saying that you couldn't use some improvement. But you can turn this around. You just need to realise you are part of a pack. You've been acting like you are the only one that matters, but there are a lot of people in this house that are important. And I think that's what you males need to understand."

I paused, feeling all the boys watching me, but I kept going. "You think we females just cook and clean. But we know a lot more than you think. If you spent some time with the children in the pack, the elders, really get to know the people, you'll realise that everyone has a place. And we all matter."

"Now you made a mistake. A big one, but a mistake nonetheless. But life is made up of mistakes. Its how you handle these mistakes that define you as a person. You could mope, sulk around knowing that you have been wrong. Or you can man up, and accept that being alpha is more than being strong. Spend some time with the kids, with or without parents. Listen to the elders, because they're stories of attacks and deaths, of meeting their mates, will make you understand how short life can be."

I took a deep breath. "See what we females deal with everyday. Getting up, and putting someone else's needs before you're own. Putting you're time and energy into helping your mate, your children, and everyone else. See what it's like to be part of this pack. Because despite what you think, you're not. You're part of group that believe they are above everyone else."

"No one can fix this for you Damien. Only you. And you need to accept that. Accept that you let your parents, and your sister, down. Accept that your dad is disappointed and doubts you. Accept it and move on."

I then turned and walked out of the room. I rounded the corner and fell against the wall. My heart was racing and I had never been more scared. I couldn't believe I had said that.

I could still hear them from here, so I heard their reactions.

"That was incredible dude. I can't believe she was actually giving you advice. Which reminds me, I need to go tell my mom how much I love her." This came from Ben and made me smile a little.

Alex soon chimed in. "I never realised how much stronger the females in the pack were compared to us. They do so much."

There was silence, the two boys contemplating what I had said. A few moments later and I finally heard Damien's comment. 

"Whoever gets that girl as a mate is the luckiest guy in the world."


It took a good ten minutes for me to recover from my speech. God, two rants in one day. 

I was walking into the kitchen, saw my mom and smiled. Despite all the things I had said to Damien, I realised I had been taking my mom for granted. 

I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her tightly.

"Emmy, sweetheart, are you okay?" She sounded worried, but hugged me back.

I smiled up at her. "Yeah mom. Just wanted to tell you I love you. And to say thank you."

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