Chapter Two

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Disclaimer: We don't own PJO, HOO or HP.

Harry Potter

"Where are you from? Do you know where you are? " I asked him what I thought was politely.

"All I know is that my name is Percy Jackson, and I'm seventeen years old." he said in a slightly annoyed voice.

I took Ron and Hermione in the other room while our special guest waited in the kitchen.

"Do you think he's a muggle?" Ron asked.

"I don't know. Is there some way we could check?" I asked Hermione.

"Not that I know of." Hermione said, disappointed.

"Wait a minute so we just let a possible muggle in the BURROW!" Ron said scaredly.

"Maybe we could just ask him" I offered.

"Harry, weren't you listening to a word he said? He said he only knows that he is called Percy Jackson and that he is seventeen years old." Hermione said.

"By the way Hermione what did you just say." Ron mumbled.

"Bloody hell Ronald. You can be so frustrating sometimes." Hermione practically growled at him.

"I think we should write a letter to McGonagall. We should tell her. He's probably a wizard, because muggles don"t randomly show up in a field with muggle repelling charms around that field and I don't even think he knows how he got here" Hermione ranted on.  "Also, maybe she might know him."

Hermione thought for a minute, her eyebrow frurrowing together.

"Oh!" Hermione said suddenly.

"What?" Ron and I asked at the same time

"I don't know if it will work, but what if we give Percy one of our wands and give him a spell to do. If he can do it then he's a wizard. If he can't Percy is a muggle." She said.

"Who's wand is he going to use?" Harry asked.

"Not mine! I came up with the idea, so he can use one of your wands!" Hermione told us. Hermione was stubborn, so there was no way we were going to persuade her to give him her wand.

"I've broke my wand before already. Mum won't be happy if another one breaks." Ron said. Ron gssped.  "We forgot to tell Mum! She might get mad."

"We'll tell your Mum after we see if he is a wizard or not. And I guess we are using my wand." We walked back into the living room.


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