Chapter Twenty-Two

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Percy Jackson

We charged into battle, slashing  our weapons at monsters, while Frank was shooting at them with his bow and arrows, hitting his target every time. The sky was filled with the glow of spells.  The air was filled with the sounds of people shouting. 

We separated from each other.  I ran into the center of battle, swinging Riptide at near by monsters. 

I grunted as I blocked a javelin that was thrown at me.  

I turned to a dracaena, who hissed at me.  Out of my peripheral vision I saw Hazel, who was riding Arion.  She cut down monsters with her imperial gold sword.

I thrust my sword through the dracaena, and it burst into dust. 
Just as I turned around to face another monster, I was hit with a spell.  It hit my chest, and I fell to the ground and whacked my head on something hard.  Probably a rock.
I groaned and pushed myself off the ground.  My head ached, I probably had gotten a concussion.

I stood up and gave myself a second to gain my balance. 

A hellhound leaped at me, and I leapt sideways to avoid being crushed.  I stabbed Riptide through it's back. 
In the distance, I heard roar of a lion.  I really hoped that it was Frank. 

The battle went on for what seemed like ages.  It was hard to tell which side was winning.  I slashed at a Empousa.

In the distance I could see Tyson and a Laistrygonian fighting.   

A basilisk hissed at me.  It lunged for my leg, I jumped over it, and cut it with my sword, nearly cutting off my legs in the process.

When I had killed the basilisk, I saw a clear opening to Vossen.   Not wanting to miss the opportunity, I sprited to her as fast as my feet could go. 

My plan was to run up and stab her.  Don't judge, making big complicated plans is Annabeth's thing.

I had reached her, and I didn't think that she had seen me.  I plunged Riptide into her back.

Now, normally, I'm not the killing type of guy, but I wanted to end this.  Since my sword affected Vossen, that meant that she wasn't one-hundred percent mortal. 

I kind of just stood there in shock. Nothing had ever gone as I planned. 
Vossen turned to face me. 

“Nice try Perseus Jackson.”  Vossen smirked.

She pulled my sword eight out of her own back and stabbed me right in the left side of my stomach. 

I gasped and looked down.  My very own sword was sticking right through me.  I collapsed to my knees, weak from pain. 

Vossen disappeared in a cloud of black smoke.

I heard someone running towards me.  I looked up to see Frank running towards me. 

“Percy! I'm going to take you back to the castle, okay?” Frank told me urgently.  “I'm going to have to remove the sword first.  It might hurt a bit.”

Frank held the handle on Riptide and quickly pulls fit out.  I gasped and my hands moved to my side the moment the sword was gone.

“Let's go.” I groaned. 

Frank Zhang

When we had arrived at the castle a woman came up with a stretcher and I gently laid Percy down. 

Percy made a strange face, the he coughed up blood.

“Help me get his shirt off.”  The woman said calmly. 

I pulled Percy’s blood soaked shirt over his head.   The wound was worse than it had seemed.   It already had a bruise around it.  

The woman quickly grabbed a cloth and wiped away most of the blood, 
“I don't know if this can be healed by a spell. ” She said.

“Hurry!” Percy groaned.  “Just stitch me up.” He let out a small moan of pain.

She grabbed a bandage and put pressure on his wound. 

I looked over at his face. Percy had shut his eyes and it looked like he was falling unconscious.  

The woman grabbed a needle and stitched Percy up. 

I left the castle and headed back to the battle.

It was after the battle.  We were all sitting around Percy.  He was still where he was when I had left.  He also hadn't woken up yet.  Annabeth had interlocked her fingers with Percy's, and she stroking his hair. 

The wizard kids, Harry, Ron and Hermione, had come up to us. 

“Is he alright?” Hermione asked.  They all looked genuinely concerned.  I guess they had been his friends for a few months and they had gotten pretty close, with Percy not remembering us. 

“He should be.”  Piper said. 

I felt Hazel take my hand.  I gave her's a squeeze.  She looked up at me and have a reassuring smile. 

I just hoped that everything would be okay.

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