Chapter Three

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Disclaimer:  I do not own Harry Potter or Percy Jackson

Minerva McGonagall

I was in my office at hogwarts. Since Dumbledore died I have been headmaster, and his old office is now my office.

I was writing letters to the seventh grade students saying that they could come back to hogwarts, to finish their studies. I had most of them written and sent. I look out the window and see the Weasley's tiny owl.

"Now what is he doing here" I say to myself.

As I think of reasons why he might be here I see a fairly tiny letter hanging off of pigwidgeon Rons owls leg tied on with ruby red ribbon. I open the letter and a picture falls out. It is a picture of a boy I have never seen before. I also see a long letter that looks like it was wrote by Hermione Granger.

Dear Minerva McGonagall,

Hello professor. We have quite some interesting news. As you have probably already seen the picture. We have discovered a boy seventeen years old that does not know anything about himself other than that his name is Percy Jackson and that he is seventeen, or at least that's all he told us. We can not seem to figure out if he is a muggle or a wizard. Do you know any spells or potions that we could use to give him his memory back? Right now we are at the Ron's house. Harry and Ron are trying to look through books to find a spell but of course haven't found a single thing. What do you suppose we do? Also Harry, Ron and I got your letter and we are coming back to Hogwarts.

Sincerely, Hermione Granger

As I look through my spell and potion books I remember a potion that brings back people's memories, but maybe this boy lost his memory on purpose. I head back to my chamber to write back a letter.

Percy Jackson

I was tired. I just ran . . . well I don't know how far I ran but it was far. My face still hurt from running into that tree. I saw a comfy looking char and sat in it. I sighed. It felt good to sit down, after standing for a long time.

I hear their footsteps heading towards me. They came back to the living room. Harry and Ron sat on the couch and Hermione sat in a chair. Harry took a long stick out of his pocket, and set it on the table.

"Ron, Hermione are you sure about this?" Scar Guy asks them quietly, but I can still hear him.

"Just do it Harry" said Bushy Hair Girl.

"Use it. Do an easy spell. One that won't hurt anyone" he said to me with a nervous voice.

"What are you talking about. Are you mad? What is that? Do you even know what your thinking" I say in a worried voice.

"It's a wand." Redhead said.

"I think a good spell would be wingardium leviosa." Scar Guy suggested.

Bushy Hair Girl elbowed Redhead in the stomach "Ron if he doesn't know what you're talking about then he's a muggle". "We let a muggle in the BURROW!" Redhead yelled loudly.

"Guys! Calm down, I'll do it." I yelled over top of Redhead.

I take the stick and try to say those crazy words they had said.

"Wings garteum leaf-!"

"No!" Bushy Hair Girl shrieked, "win-gar-dium lev-io-sa." She said the last part slowly, so I could hear her better. I tried one more time

"Wingardium leviosa." I said slowly. Suddenly a pillow and the couch lifted into the air and kept on getting higher until it hit the ceiling and fell. The pillow landed on the floor with a thump. All of a sudden it started to thunder and a shot of lightning hit the ground outside. All of us jumped. Bushy Hair Girl left the room.

"What the heck is that" said Scar Guy. Then Bushy Hair Girl came out with a wired bottle filled with some bluey green liquid.

"Harry, Ron, I think we better give it to him now" said bushy hair girl.

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