Chapter Sixteen

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Percy Jackson

Harry and Ron came to me. I was lying in my bed looking at a picture of Annabeth and I, when the interrupted my peace.

"Percy,". I looked at Harry, "Do you want to go and ask Madam Pomfrey, if she has anything to heal your memory?". Harry asked.

"Uh, sure." I said.

"Let's go, mate,". Ron dsaid.

We were walking down the hallway when Hermione ran up to us out breath. "Just. . . got . . . back from-"

"No running in the halls, Hermione." I said. Ron snorted and Harry tried to hide a laugh.

Hermione shot a glare at me.

"What?!" I said with a scared tone.

"Anyway, we were just taking Percy to the hospital wing, to see if we could see if there is anything we could do to get his memory to come back." Ron said.

"Alright. We should hurry, so we don't want to miss lunch. " Hermione said.

We walked very fast, because Ron's stomach was growling. We arrived about two minutes later.

"Hello?" Harry said.

"What do you need? Make it quick, because I need to get to lunch.". Madam Pomfrey said.

"Er we were going to ask you if you had any potions or something that could help Percy's memory."

"What is wrong with his memory.?". Madam Pomfrey asked us. "I need to know if I give him something. I don't want to give him the wrong thing."

"Well he always gets lost going to class" said Ron.

"I need to know more than just that" Madame Pomfrey said.

"Why don't you just ask him yourself" Harry said.

"Percy what don't you remember" Madame Pomfrey said.

What does she mean though. What would I talk about camp half-blood? Would I tell her about Annabeth and Grover? Or would I just say I'm not a real wizard?

"Um..........." I thought for a second. "Well, I remember my friends from when I was fifteen. Nothing after that. Actually I remember being at Ron's house and everything after that. But, there is a gap." I said. They were true, but I didn't reveal my demigod secret.

"Do you remember the dark lord" Harry asked. Who is the dark lord? Now what will I do. They asked me a question I don't know. How will I answer this?

"Dude, I don't remember that. I'm seventeen, and that happened a few months ago." That was close.

Madam Pomfrey left to find something she could give me.

"But, you said remember everything from after you were fifteen"said Harry.

"Harry, he said before." Hermione said, and rolled her eyes.

"Percy are you even a real wizard?" Harry asked. Harry has figured it out.

I sighed and put my head in my hands. Why can't my life just be simple. "I'm not a wizard." I mumbled. "I am a demigod."

So that's the chapter

Just kidding! I owe you guys a longer chapter. Continue.

"A what?" Ron asked confused.

"A demigod. A demigod is half human half Greek God. My dad is Poseidon , God of the sea." I told them about retrieving Zeus' Master bolt, and traveling through the sea of monsters to get the golden fleece, to save Thalia's tree. I told them how Annabeth was captured and how I battled Atlas with Zöe, Thalia and Artemis. I told them how Annabeth and I had held up the sky. I told them about fighting monsters in the Labyrinth. I told them about Greek mythology so they would understand.

"I need to get back to my friends." I said.

"We can help you," Hermione said.

"Yeah, we will help you get back to them." Harry said.

Ron looked like he was going to say something, but Madam Pomfrey came back in.

"This should fix your memory. Now, I am going off to lunch." She said. She handed me the potion and left. I drank it. It tasted horrible.

We left to the Great Hall to get something to eat. I really wish that there were cheeseburgers here, the food was good and all, but I could go for a nice cheeseburger.

"It's almost time for class." Hermione said. She liked to be a little early so she could get a good spot.

Our next class was transfiguration. We were turning animals into chairs. I couldn't focus. My mind was too busy thinking about Annabeth and what she would do to me when I got to her. She can be scary like that.

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