Chapter Four

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Hermione Granger

    “Harry, Ron, I think we better give it to him now” I said. When Harry and Ron were talking to Percy I had noticed that McGonagall had sent pigwidgeon back with a potion and a letter. The letter said and I quote “ Hermione I know you think.  He should have his memory back but maybe he got his memory taken away on purpose. How do you know he didn’t do this himself. He could have done something terrible. Be careful”.

    “Percy, this will fix your memory.” I told him. “You must be a wizard, so you can come with us, to Hogwarts.”

    Percy nodded.  I handed the vial to him.  He took it and opened it.  He sniffed it, and wrinkled his nose. He shrugged and poured it down his throat. Percy swallowed and gagged.

    “That stuff is disgusting. You should try and give it some good flavour. Also what are your names.  I’ve been making up nicknames for you guys this whole time.  In my head, I’ve been calling you Bushy Hair Girl, Redhead and Scar Guy.  It's getting annoying” Percy said

    “Wow, mate.” Ron said.  “I’m Ronald Weasley most people call me Ron. And Redhead. Really?”

“I’m Hermione Granger. Not bushy haired girl for your information and is not very fond of that name either.”  I said angrily.

        “I’m Harry. Harry Potter” Harry said.

    “When does the potion thingy start working?” Percy asked.

    “Your memories will come back but slowly.  We should make breakfast seeing that it is morning.”  I said.


    Ron Weasley

    That Percy guy is strange.  He appears out of nowhere and he has no memories and he is a wizard.  We went into the kitchen.

    “What do you want for breakfast, mate?” I asked.

    “Pancakes!” Harry Hermione and Percy said at the same time.  We all laughed.

    Ginny walked down the stairs, into the kitchen.  “Good morning.”  Ginny looked over at Percy.  “Who’s that?”  Ginny asked.

    “Percy Jackson.”  Percy said.  Percy walked over to Ginny and shook her hand.

    “Why hello I’m Ginny Weasley. Ronald’s sister” Ginny said nicely.

    All  of a sudden Percy didn’t look so good he started to fall so Harry caught him.

    “Bloody hell mate you alright?” I asked him.

    “ Do you remember anything yet” Hermione asked.

    “Only one name. Annabeth.” Percy said weakly.  Then he passed out.

Annabeth Chase

One Day Earlier

    I woke up in my cabin. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and got out of bed.  I grabbed my clothes and went to the bathroom.  I put on a Camp Half-Blood t-shirt, a pair of jeans and my running shoes.  I brushed my teeth and brushed my hair, then put it in a ponytail.

    I went out of my cabin and went to the pavillion.  When I got there Percy’s table was empty. Seaweed Brain was probably still sleeping.  If he wasn’t here in ten minutes then I will go and look for him.  The seven demigods were staying here for a while, since Leo came back.  

    Ten minutes later Percy still wasn’t there.  I went down to the Poseidon cabin. I knocked on the door. There was no answer.

    “Perce?” I said. I opened the door.  But he was not there. “Percy?” I walked around the cabin.  When I was sure that he wasn’t there, I ran to the Big House.

    “Chiron! Chiron, where are you?” I yelled. When I was inside.

    “Here, Annabeth. What’s wrong?” Chiron asked.

    “I can’t find Percy!  He wasn’t at breakfast and he’s  always  at breakfast.  I looked in his cabin, and I didn’t see him at the beach, ethir!” I started pancing.

    “Annabeth.  Calm down.  We will look for him. We will send out search parties.”  Chiron was trying to calm me down.

°°°°°We went to the pavilion where everyone was still eating breakfast. “Demigods, Percy jackson has gone missing.  We will send out search parties.  One in the forest and the other group around the camp borders.  Only stay within a three mile radius of camp.”  Chiron said loudly.

    People ran off to look for Percy.  I went and looked in the forest.

♤♡◇♧ Time skip To After Searching ♤♡◇♧

When we came back Chiron and Mr. D had everyone gather at the amphitheater.

“Did anybody find a sign Peter Johnston?” Mr.D asked lazily.

There was a chorus of nos and people were shaking their heads. Chiron sighed.

I went up to Jason, Piper, Leo, Frank and Hazel.  

“He’s missing again.” I said angrily.

Nico and will walked up to us.

“Hi Nico, Hi Will.” Hazel said.  They were holding hands.  Mico and Will had been together for a while now.  Nico looked like he didn't want to hold hands.

Suddenly I got an idea.  “Maybe Thaila has seen him.” I said trying to not get my hopes up.

We walked to the fountain.  I fished a drachma out of my pocket.

There was already a rainbow so we didn’t need to make one.

“O Iris, goddess of the rainbow, accept my offering, show me Thalia Grace.”  threw the drachma into the rainbow and it disappeared.  Thalia appeared in the mist.

Thalia turned around.  “Annabeth! Hi. Hi Jason. Hi Nico. Hi everyone else.”

“Hi Thaila.” We all said at the same time.

“ Is something wrong?”  she asked.

“ Percy’s missing.  We were wondering if you have seen him lately.” Frank said.

“No, the last time I saw him was at the end of the war with you guys.  Is this the third time he’s been missing?  When we find him O am going to kill him, then get Nico to make him alive again.”  Thaila said angrily.  “The Hunters will keep an eye out for him though.  Don’t worry we’ll find him.”  

I cut off the connection amd turned to my friends.

“This is the third time he had been missing.” I said sadly.

“Annabeth, we will find him no matter what it takes.” Jason said trying to comfort me.

“Percy can take care of himself.  He will be fine.” Will said.

“I have a cool new invention that might cheer us up.”  Leo said.  “Come on.”

When Leo was leading us to bunker nine, the Stolls came up to me and they said

“We can find him Annabeth.” Travis said.

“The Hephaestus cabin is making a device that can track a demigod’s sent.” Connor said.

After they told me that I felt better.  We finally reached bunker nine, Leo lit his hand on fire and set it on the door.  The doors opened soundlessly.  We all went in.

“I made us all phones that can’t be tracked by monsters!” Leo said proudly.He handed one to me. “ It’s only a prototype.  Pass it around, I’m working on making one for all of us.”

I inspected the phone and handed it to Piper.  I sighed.  Why does this always happen to me?

( A/N: You're welcome.  We made you guys a 1104 word chapter.  What do you think so far?  Comments are welcome!)

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