Percy Jackson
“Everyone listen!” I wasn't expecting the room to quite. “The army is coming here. I was just informed that it was a trap, and once the enemy is defeated at Camp Half Blood, the wizards and demigods that are able to, will come here and help us.” I shouted.
“When are they coming?” A voice from the crowd yelled out.
“I don't know.”
Just when I had told everyone of Vossen's plans, we heard a roar from outside.
Leo and I charged outside. I stopped when I got outside. My mouth dropped. The army was enormous.
There was two huge Hydras, some basilisks (the Greek kind), about Ten Laistry- (how do you even say that?) I wondered if Skull Eater or Joe Bob was here. There were a bunch of Telekhines and some snake ladies. There were some Empousai and I really hoped that Kelli wasn’t here. But know my luck, she definity was. Also there were large numbers of dracaena too. I really hoped that they would hurry up. We could use some help.
Vossen was standing on the middle of her army. Behind her there was a whole bunch of wizards.
“Ready to kick some monster butt?” I asked uncapping Riptide.
“You bet.” Leo answered, pulling out a hammer from his tool belt.
We charged into battle with the Wizards on our tails.
“Leo! Let’s take out the Hydras!” I shouted.
“Okay! How do we do that?” Leo yelled back.
I ran up to him. “When I cut off a head you need to burn it.”
“Let’s go!”
We dashed towards the nearest hydra. I jumped up to the nearest head. It tried to sit venom at me. I jumped backwards and slipped. I landed on my butt. Fortunately for me the monster looked confused and I was able to slice off it’s head.
Leo quickly threw a fireball at the hydra.
We did this over again, to send the Hydras back to tartarus. Minus the part where I fall on my butt.
I was cutting down a tekehine when I realized how many monsters there were. We had taken care of the wizards but the monsters were overwhelming.
We were getting our butts kicked.
I focused on the water in the lake. I made a big wave over the monsters and pushed it as hard as I could on them. I retreated back to Hogwarts.
When I got back to the castle I Iris messaged Annabeth.
“Oh, Iris, goddess of the rain please accept my offering, show me Annabeth Chase at Camp Half-Blood.”
An image of Annabeth showed up. She was covered in scratches and bruises, but she still looked beautiful to me.
“Hey Annabeth, can you hurry up please, we need a little bit of help here.” I said quickly.
“We are on our way.” Annabeth told me.
Leo came up to me. His shirt was slightly smoldering.
“Do we get any backup?” He asked.
“Yep, they're on their way.” I said.
I looked around the great hall. The injured wizards were lying down or leaning against the walls. They didn’t look very good, I doubt we looked any better.
Leo had cuts criss crossing over his face. His shirt was cut up, but he was still smiling.
The monster army had retreated shortly after we had.
I let out a sigh and sat down on the floor. Leo sat down next to me.
“Hey man, you've got a pretty nasty cut near your eye.”
“Huh?” I wiped my hand over my eye. My hand came away stained with blood. “Thanks,”
Leo rummaged around in his tool belt for a bit. He pulled out a roll of duct tape. He sighed and stuffed it back in. Then he pulled out a bag of ambrosia.
“Here, I always keep some just in case.” Leo broke off a small piece and handed it to me.
“How does that work?” I asked.
“My tool belt?”
Percy nodded.
“Basically, it can fit anything that can fit in it, and it can't be too heavy. Also, the tool belt only lets you take our things that can be found in a workshop. I can put stuff in here too.” Leo explained.
I didn't know what else to say to Leo. We didn't hang out much. There was an awkward silence between us.
“Dude, my a still hurts from when I came back from camp and everyone got to punch me.” Leo groaned.
Suddenly, I heard the wizards gasp and pull out their wands. A hellhound bounded out of the shadows.
The hellhound pounced on top of me and started licking my face.
I laughed “Mrs. O’Leary!”
After I had pushed Mrs. O'Leary off of me I was crushed by giant arms wrapping around me.
“Hey, Tyson.” I gasped.
“I am taking Ella on a date after!” Tyson blushed red. “She is pretty.” Tyson whispered. (Even though the sounding wizards probably heard him.)
I grinned and elbowed him, which made his blush deeper.
“Do you know when Annabeth is coming? We really could use some backup.”
“Yep. She should be here soon.” Tyson.
As if on cue, Annabeth appeared in the same shadow that Tyson and Mrs. O'Leary shadow traveled from.
She, Hazel, Frank, Piper, Jason and Nico were standing in a circle holding hands.
“I think I'm just gonna sit down for a second.” Nico slurred. He staggered over to a beach and he lay down on it and fell asleep.
Ron came up to us.
“Where's Harry and Hermione?”
“They're just walking up. They said that they can't apparate in Hogwarts grounds.” Piper informed Ron.
The other demigods didn't look much better than Leo and I.
Frank was telling me what happened at camp when the monsters attacked, when Harry, Hermione and the other wizards walked into the Great Hall.
Ron dashed over to his best friend and girlfriend. He gave Hermione a short kiss of the lips.
Ginny spotted them from the crowd and ran over to Harry, then he kissed her.
“It's still weird that you're dating my little sister, mate.”
I couldn't help but laugh. They made me happy.
Their reunion was cut short when we heard the other wizards yelling spells.
We raced outside, and there stood an army bigger than anything thing I had seen. There was every type of monster you could think of, and there were a bunch of wizards behind them.
I uncapped Riptide and discarded the cap. I looked over at my friends, who were arming themselfs. I tightened my grip on Riptide. We were going to win.

The Demigod At Hogwarts
FanfictionCOMPLTETE Why tf does this have so many reads Under Editing Percy Jackson has no memories and is found by Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. They go to hogwarts to stop a new dark wizard, who goes by the name of Seraphim Vossen, that i...