Ron Weasley
“What the bloody hell is happening?” I asked, very confused.
The blonde stood up and wiped away her tears. She dusted her pants off. “My name is Annabeth Chase. We are here for Percy Jackson. We aren't kidnapping him or anything, we are just taking him home.” She said this loudly so we could all hear her.
I looked over at Percy. He was standing with the other people that had came with Annabeth. There was a black pegasus with him.
I did a double take. I didn't know that they we alive.
I turned to Hermione.
“Hey 'Mione,” I said
“What is it Ron?” She asked. I think that she wanted to talk to the Annabeth girl.
“Aren't pegasus supposed to be extinct, because there is a bunch over there.” I pointed to them.
“What? They should be extinct, why are they here?”
“I don't know!”
Hermione turned and walked over to the new people. I followed her. Harry was talking with Annabeth.
“Who are are you people?” Harry asked her.
Harry Potter
Right when I asked Annabeth who they were, Professor McGonagall ran out of the castle towards us. There were a few other teachers following her.
“Prefects, lead your houses back to the dormitories.” Professor McGonagall said loudly. “Potter, Granger, Weasley, stay here.”
There was a slight rumble from the crowd, when they left. Professor McGonagall turned to us. “Why is it when there is trouble you three are around?”
“We don’t know what is happening, we didn’t do anything this time! “ Hermione said quickly.
“We just came here to take Percy back home.” A blonde guy said.
A strange mist appeared in front of the Annabeth girl. The group of teenagers gathered around her.
They were talking to the mist. When it disappeared, the blonde boy said, “We need to talk.”
Leo Valdez
We followed the witch lady to this weird statue thing.
“Pumpkin pasties.”
The statue moved to reveal a staircase. The lady walked up the staircase. She Gestured for us to follow. When we reached the top, she lead us into what looked like an office space.
“We can talk here.”
“We have an enemy we need to work together to defeat.” Annabeth said. I looked over at her. She had attached herself to Percy. Percy looked like he remembered her.
“Also, we need to fix Percy’s memory.” Annabeth said.
“Yeah, but we’ve already tried.” The girl with bushy hair said. “Why don't we introduce ourselves.”
“My name’s Leo Valdez.”
“I’m Piper McLean. It’s nice to meet you. ”
“Jason Grace.”
“I’m Hazel Levesque.”
“My name’s Frank Zhang. What are your names?”
“I’m Hermione Granger,” the girl with bushy hair said. “And this is Ron Weasley.” She gestured to the red head.
“And I’m Harry, Harry Potter.” A guy with black hair and glasses. If you think about it Harry and Percy look a lot alike. They both have messy black hair and green eyes.
“The enemy that we are talking about is not only a demigod, but a wizard.” Annabeth said. “ We need to work together to defeat her. We have someone spying for us. Her name is Seraphim Vossen. She will be attacking our camp first. We need to take your best and most experienced wizards, with us.”
“What about Hogwarts?” Hermione.
“We will have some demigods here too. Just in case.” Jason said.
“Who should stay here?” Frank asked.
Annabeth thought for a moment. “Percy and Leo should stay here. We need to fix Perce's memory. Do you know if there is anything else we can try?”
“The Pensive!” Harry exclaimed.
“The what mate?” Ron asked.
Harry walked over to this bowl thing.
“Mr. Potter, do you even know how to use that? Would it even work?“l” Professor McGonagall asked.
“We have to try!” Piper said.
Harry turned to Percy. “We need your tears.”
“What?” Percy asked, a little surprised. “How am I supposed to randomly start crying?”
“I don't know.” Harry said.
“What is something that makes you sad?” I asked.
“Uh-” Percy started.
“I have an easier way to do this. Sorry Percy this might hurt.” Annabeth said. Then she punched Percy in the nose!
“OW! What was that for?” He asked rubbing his nose. Tears were welling in his eyes, even though he has looking straight faced at Annabeth.
“I'm sorry Percy, but I remembered that usually when you are hit in the nose you start to cry.” She said.
“Well, it's working.” Percy said rubbing his nose.
“Collect your tears in this. “ Harry said.
Percy did what he said and then handed it to Percy.
Harry walked over to this bowl thing and poured the tears in it.
“Put your head in the water.” Harry said.
While Percy was doing that I asked, “How do you know that Annabeth?” I asked.
“Oh. Basically your nostrils are connected to your eyes via your tear ducts. And -”. Annabeth rambled on.
“Forget I asked.”
I heard a gasp and looked over at Percy. He was holding onto the back of a chair. He was looking a bit pale.
“I remember.” Annabeth ran up to Percy, and gave a big kiss.
Percy Jackson
Annabeth ran up to me and jumped in my arms. She gave me a big kiss and I felt her smiling. And I was too. She had her arms around my neck, and I hand mine around her waist. She put her head in my shoulder. I finally remembered my Wise Girl.
I just realized that I accidentally skipped chapter seventeen when I was titling the chapters. I made you guys a longer chapter since I haven't updated in forever. Thank you for reading

The Demigod At Hogwarts
FanfictionCOMPLTETE Why tf does this have so many reads Under Editing Percy Jackson has no memories and is found by Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. They go to hogwarts to stop a new dark wizard, who goes by the name of Seraphim Vossen, that i...