Chapter Twenty-Three

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Disclaimer:  I don't own Percy Jackson or Harry Potter

Harry Potter

It had been about a day since the battle, and Percy hadn't woken up yet. We had moved him into the hospital wing a few hours ago, where the more critical injured people were.

We had taken care of the Durmstrang wizards who had been turned evil, while the demigods had killed the monsters.

I was sitting with Hermione and Ron, eating lunch.

We were all worried about Percy, even though we weren't very close.

Annabeth, Piper, Hazel, Frank and Jason came up to us.

"We wanted to take Percy back to camp." Hazel said. "We have a bunch of healers that could probably help him"

"Okay," Hermione said. "We'll help you.

Together, they had managed to apparate to Camp Half-Blood.

Jason took Percy in his arms and ran off to the infirmary in the Big House. Annabeth followed him.

"We can talk to Chiron and see if you can stay here for a while, so we can find Vossen." Hazel said.

'Let's go to the infirmary," Piper said. "We should check on Percy."

The wizards and demigods walked to the infirmary in the Big House. When we had arrived, the infirmary was in chaos. Some teens were dashing around holding bandages, and a Centaur who was trotting over to a teen in a bed.

Piper scanned the room. Then she started walking towards the back.

As we walked by, I couldn't help but feel bad for these people. They had been put through so much suffering, and it never stopped. And most of them were younger than us.

We had reached Percy's bed. He looked terrible. He was sickly pale, and he had machines attached to him.

"Why do you have these machines here?" Frank asked.

A boy with a tan and blonde hair turned around.

"We needed mortal medical supplies to heal Percy." He said. "We can't heal him with just ambrosia and nectar. He's already had too much, and if he does he'll burn up." He glanced at us. "Who are you?"

"I'm Hermione Granger, this is Ron Weasley, and Harry Potter."

"Hi," Ron and I said.

"I'm Will Solace." The blonde haired boy said.

I looked over at Percy. Annabeth was sitting in a chair next to his cot. She was holding his limp hand in her's, and with her other hand she was lightly stroking his hair.

"Do you know what's wrong with him? Is it bad?" Leo asked. "I can fix machines, but not people."

Will sighed and dragged a hand down his face. "It's pretty bad. Percy's in a coma. I found a wound on his head. He was definitely hit on the head. Percy lost a lot of blood. His stab wound is pretty bad too, but he's stable now. And he will definitely have a scar." Will looked over to the front of the infirmary. "I've gotta go,"

Annabeth stood up and left.

"Annabeth, where are you going?" Piper followed her.

Jason turned to us.

"Let's figure out where you are going to stay. Follow me."

Ron, Hermione and I followed Jason to the centaur that I had seen earlier.

"Chiron?" Jason asked.

The centaur turned around.

"What is it, Jason?"

"Harry Ron and Hermione need a place to stay, while we figure out where Vossen is."

The centaur, Chiron thought for a moment.

"They can stay in the Hermes cabin."

Jason nodded.

"I'll take you there."

Hazel Levesque

Leo turned and left. I'm assuming he was going to the forge. He went there when he was upset.

I turned to Frank. I sighed and he wrapped his strong arms around me. I rested my head on his chest.

"It'll be okay." Frank mumbled.

I nodded and looked up at him.

"Thanks. Let's go find Annabeth and Piper." I said.

We walked out of the infirmary with a last glance at Percy. He looked so pale and weak in this state.

After we got out of the big house, it was taking usd awhile to find Piper and Annabeth. We asked nearby campers, but they just shrugged or tell us they they didn't know. We were walking by the beach and close to giving up, when we heard Annabeth talking, but it was hard to understand.

As we got closer it was easier to understand.

"I'm just so sick of it!" Annabeth yelled and she kicked the sand as she paced back and forth. "This has been happening to me since I was seven years old. We were supposed to finish high school, then go to college in New Rome. We were supposed to live peacefully from now on, but now I don't think that'll ever happen. Sometimes I just want it to end."

When Annabeth was finished ranting, she sat down in the sand facing the water. Piper reached over to her and gave her friend a hug that was badly needed.

I had never seen Annabeth break down before, and seeing her break down made me feel sad.

Frank and I thought it would be best to give them some space.

We continued to walk around the camp. We were close to the dining pavillion when a camper came and got us to a meeting about defeating Vossen. It's about time we defeat this witch. 

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